Player Wolf Control


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First, This is a great game. I have not been this impressed with a game in a long time.

I have only been playing for around a week now, and have played on the first two levels on the Mystery Lake map. In the first level I like the way the predatory animals act, but there are to many resources. The second level I like the level of resources, but the wolves are too plentiful and aggressive for my taste.

I think it would be nice if you could adjust these two variables to suit the players desires. For the resources, I don't know how they are generated, but I think wood should be more abundant than other resources and replenish on the ground after high winds. This may already be the case. I have not played enough to know.

It would also be nice to have shovels in the game and the ability to dig snow caves.

Is there anything in the programming for snow depth, or accumulated snow during a storm?



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I agree I'd like to adjust wolf behaviour to some middle ground. Currently they either bolt as soon as you approach them, or will follow you across the map to get into a fight.

What's ironic is that the predictability of both these scenarios can actually make them weaker as an adversary. For instance, on Voyager I can approach a wolf confident in the knowledge I can get it to run up to me in a straight line (or even better, stand a few feet away growling) so I get a better chance of a head shot. I know at the very least tat I'm not going to end the day empty handed.

If the wolf ran however, then I may not want to risk wasting bullets on a less perfect shot. If it worked in a pack or did something a bit different, I also wouldn't be so confident.

FWIW I think wolves would be better if they fought back sometimes (if they were very hungry, or if they were defending a kill) and even better if they demonstrated more intelligent behaviour (working in packs, attacking at night, targeting a weakened player, harassing/stalking etc.)

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I totally agree. I don't know what variables go into wolf behavior, but I would like it to be as realistic as possible. Open wounds, weakness, having food on you or protecting there kill would make sense. I also like the stalking idea.

If the logic is that these are more aggressive post apocalyptic wolves, then I would argue that we all ready have a plethora of zombie games. What makes this game refreshing for me is realism, and that you have to think instead of constantly having to blazing away.

But knowing different people have different taste, being able to tweak individual settings, such as wolf behavior and abundance of resources (perhaps even creating sub sets of resources), could provide players with the ability to get what they want out of the game.

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see idk how they would fix it but i was at the gas station on coastal highway and i had a wolf that was outside the gas station. i went to sleep for 8h for night time woke up went outside and it was still sitting there waiting for me. i feel after 8h the wolves should move on from where they were.

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see idk how they would fix it but i was at the gas station on coastal highway and i had a wolf that was outside the gas station. i went to sleep for 8h for night time woke up went outside and it was still sitting there waiting for me. i feel after 8h the wolves should move on from where they were.

How do you know it was the same wolf? There are three wolves that currently hang out around the gas station. The probability of running into a wolf when leaving the station is high. Try to leave through the back door and check the area by looking around the building to the left & right. If a wolf spots you, sleep one hour and check again. The wolf will have moved on, but never very far. Rinse & repeat until you can make your getaway.

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