100% Exploration Journal entry


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Has anyone been able to discover more than 94% of the maps (151 locations) yet?

I recently did a test run in Pilgrim to check this and even though I tried to be extremely thorough (entered every interior including bunkers, walked all points of interest and even visited the various unnamed caves & fishing shacks that don't trigger any "new location" discovery message just to be save), I only ended up with 94% discovered eventually.

Not saying that it's impossible that I missed one or two spots, but 6% of all areas (~9 locations) seems to be too much to simply "oversee" them.

Has anybody discovered more than 94% yet?

Or is this the current limit and the remaining locations are on a map that hasn't been revealed yet @ Devs?

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Very good suggestion, Hotzn!

I can only provide the number of locations I discovered per map (and the related overall percentages), unfortunately. But maybe that's still helpful, I don't know.

DP (incl. mine No 3) : 15 -> 11%

Cr.H (without mine 3) : 5 -> 2%

CH (incl. abandonned mine): 42 -> 25%

Rav: 0

ML (+ both dam interiors) : 35 -> 21%

Wi.R (+cavesystem): 1 -> 1%

PV (without abandonned mine): 37 -> 20%

TWM: 22 -> 14%

As you might have noticed the overall number of locations I found according to my personal check list (157) doesn't fit the 151 locations listed by the journal. No idea what's causing the difference.

Btw, some places don't count as discoveries even though they have fade-in names (e.g. the Ravine and Winding River). I tried not to include these in my checklist, but apparently some slipped through nevertheless.^^

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