Greetings from the land of 10,000 lakes!

Soul Sojourner

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Hello, everyone!

Hello, again, Long Dark team! I reached out to you on Facebook. Thank you for activating my account, I've only struggled with verification e-mails one other time, and that was actually on the NANOWRIMO website. Which is why I didn't participate in November, oh well. (It might be because my e-mail is so long. :P)

Land of 10,000 lakes is Minnesota, United States. Supposedly we hold 10% of all freshwater in the entire world because of all of the lakes. Hahaha.

Anyway, I bought Long Dark awhile ago on Steam, with how many games I haven't gotten to yet, I just finally got around to LD in December.

A bit about me, I'm an avid gamer. Been gaming for most of my life, and I'm 28 now. I play console, but mostly PC. I was born here in MN, and have lived here my whole life. I'm used to most months out of the year being cold and snow, and ice fishing, hunting, and the whole gig because my old man was always into it.

Ironically, I take a larger interest in this game because it's about cold and survival, but it's also artistic. I love writing, and because of that I have a great appreciation of art and of good storytelling. This game also piques my interest because my father and I are furriers. We work with leather and fur to make mukluks, moccasins, hats, gloves, mitts, slippers, and a lot of other things, including pretty much anything a customer asks for.

I hope to see a lot more animals in the game, owls, foxes, and mice (indoors, mostly) chief among them. More than that, of course, but if any took priority, I would say those ones.

I also hope to see a lot more craftable gear, and I can't wait to see your story mode! Also, um, bear traps? I'm surprised you don't just run across those, in houses... and the hard way... haha...

Definitely excited to see where this game goes, and hope any ideas, suggestions, or bug reports I have/find help in some way or another!

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