Issue with no item re-spawn + being stuck in the locations.


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Now at first one might think that it´s about hoarding, but it´s not. It´s pure survival logic.

The game features a few areas, and no way to really leave. The items however are limited, so at some point, you run dry. But logic dictates that if your surroundings cannot provide for you, you relocate.

The way items are just there ( once ) but you are stuck where you are makes it feel like a bit of a fixed fight tbh, and may be fun a few times, but at some point, you would like to really "make it".

There is no easy way to fix this part from accessing a more advanced crafting system that makes the options for you to craft new items from scrap, save old cans for storing and preserving food in, making stone and glass blades, weaving plant materials for rope and onwards.

Is this something that "could" become a reality, or will this be a forever loosing battle no matter what?

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I'm still new but have posed similar questions as yours.

The general consensus on long term survival is that you can live out a full life in the Canadian wilderness if you find a magnifying glass and live near rabbits, which is my goal.

Set snares where the rabbits forage and you can live off of them. Then it's just a matter of keeping a two week supply of potable water in storage at all times.

Beyond that the most important tools will be a whet stone for lengthening the life the knife and ax for harvesting meat.

God forbid I have to light a fire next to a frozen carcass to thaw it out so I can pull the meat out with my bare hands :?

And there is a bad design decision for matches, clothes, canned/boxed foods, etc. to begin to deteriorate at an unrealistically fast rate so (with matches anyhow) do not touch them unless you plan to use them that day.

Only on day 38 but I believe the Camp Office is a decent home. Plenty of meat storage in the file cabinet :)

If I get tired of living there I'll start heading south. I'll eventually reach Mexico. It's probably warmer down there ;)

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I believe items do not degrade and wolves do not attack on pilgrim mode if you are searching for more realism. (edit: I've been informed that items do degrade on pilgrim, just slower) There's really no way this can be reconciled without sliders. Someone isn't going to be happy with the 3 current settings.

It's a toss up though because 7DtD has sliders and I love them, but I still would pick TLD as my favorite game, even though I would like to see sliders implemented. If there were sliders always from the beginning, it would be a different experience and I don't think I would have been hooked by the charm of TLD as much as I have been.

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One aspect that would do the game very good in the end would be sliders and options to pick and choose from to hand craft your settings for your gameplay yourself.


Deterioration of objects Yes-No

Hostile wildlife Yes-No

Realistic hunger & hydration Yes-No

Longer days/nights Yes-No

and so on.

As it is now, you never get to really enjoy and experience that sensation of being indoors, and hearing the raging storm take hold outside. I want to sit and fix clothes, craft, make food and water etc. Not just spend senseless amount of time watching a pot boil or looking at a stake getting done because i need to fill the Sims bars.

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This game doesn't need sliders, because it has fixed values sure it's little hard on stalker mode but once you gather the basics you will not know the difference. Also yes you can survive long term almost endlessly but you have to forge new tools once in a while in order to do that, scrap metal is almost in endless supply as it is cloth so forging is the way to long long survival and by long I mean 2.000 maybe 4.000 days which none of you have reached I believe hell I haven't too but almost a half from it. My advise to all of you is stop thinking long term and try not to die on the simple things like wolves and bears fall damage cold once you got all that figured out long term survival is fine, but it gets little boring. Once you got 700+ days you will understand that I am right. Remember this is a permadeth game not RPG game so the goal is to make it is as far as you can with the supplies you have and adding sliders and such allows cheating double standards if you will so that's why there are no sliders. I know that they are many games which allow you to create your own world and even do a better job than TLD but this game is different. It's original in this aspect of how far you will go and what you will do to make it just one more day, so please give it a chance as such. I know that dying over and over again is painful but here is actually fun since every time you do, you learn how not to act and improve yourself as a survivor.

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This game doesn't need sliders, because it has fixed values sure it's little hard on stalker mode but once you gather the basics you will not know the difference. Also yes you can survive long term almost endlessly but you have to forge new tools once in a while in order to do that, scrap metal is almost in endless supply as it is cloth so forging is the way to long long survival and by long I mean 2.000 maybe 4.000 days which none of you have reached I believe hell I haven't too but almost a half from it. My advise to all of you is stop thinking long term and try not to die on the simple things like wolves and bears fall damage cold once you got all that figured out long term survival is fine, but it gets little boring. Once you got 700+ days you will understand that I am right. Remember this is a permadeth game not RPG game so the goal is to make it is as far as you can with the supplies you have and adding sliders and such allows cheating double standards if you will so that's why there are no sliders. I know that they are many games which allow you to create your own world and even do a better job than TLD but this game is different. It's original in this aspect of how far you will go and what you will do to make it just one more day, so please give it a chance as such. I know that dying over and over again is painful but here is actually fun since every time you do, you learn how not to act and improve yourself as a survivor.

Hmm. You seem to go on the guess that we just want to ease things up for the sake of playing more.

I have been practicing survival and training myself for quite a while, and long term survival is just what we are missing. No on says they are dying from wolfs, bears or falls, but that the long terms aspects does not exist.

Improve ourself as survivors you say. Just that is the point. Alterations so we can do that is what people want and wish for.

Sitting around fiddling on some stew and melting water to go out and get yet another make stew..for the water etc and so on makes little to no sense. The game should not be about how may days you can make it, but that you can use the recourses around you and alter them for the need you have.

Just take the simple fact that you cannot walk over 4 inches of snow, the time you spend melting water is spent starring at the pot, and you suffer from extreme dehydration basically 24/7 considering the at what level you loose hydration. This is less of survival and more of a game as it is now, and it should be the opposite.

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Hmm. You seem to go on the guess that we just want to ease things up for the sake of playing more.

I have been practicing survival and training myself for quite a while, and long term survival is just what we are missing. No on says they are dying from wolfs, bears or falls, but that the long terms aspects does not exist.

Improve ourself as survivors you say. Just that is the point. Alterations so we can do that is what people want and wish for.

Sitting around fiddling on some stew and melting water to go out and get yet another make stew..for the water etc and so on makes little to no sense. The game should not be about how may days you can make it, but that you can use the recourses around you and alter them for the need you have.

Just take the simple fact that you cannot walk over 4 inches of snow, the time you spend melting water is spent starring at the pot, and you suffer from extreme dehydration basically 24/7 considering the at what level you loose hydration. This is less of survival and more of a game as it is now, and it should be the opposite.

Ok I admit I stereotyped a little but still, long term survival is possible and very real when they introduced the hack saw which gives you scrap metal and cloth is almost everywhere and with these two things you could craft yourself new tools and not chase rabbits all day long, also when you are exposed to the cold too much and want to continue exploring just find some cave or a corner light up fire warm yourself and go on. Also you don't need to use a match if you have lots of torches prepared you could just light em up one by one and when you need fire just use the torch to start up one. if you need lots of fuel for the fire try COAL MINES they are the best. Trust me there are ways to survive almost indefinitely if you play your cards right and if you don't there are ways to save yourself form almost every situation.

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All that is fine, but the point is more towards the items feeling too "static" in terms of "this is a game" rather than survival on your own terms.

I would like to see things such as boil water while you do other meat while you sleep...clothes that don´t break just because you had a sneeze etc. We get how you "in game survive" but wishes for a more survival feel aspects are high so you can feel that you achieve something on your travels instead of the same feel you got in sims figuring out how to press in one more thing to do before sleep.


Just imagine having the option to have a boiling pot on a stove while you are out fishing! Just that small thing would change a lot.

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All that is fine, but the point is more towards the items feeling too "static" in terms of "this is a game" rather than survival on your own terms.

I would like to see things such as boil water while you do other meat while you sleep...clothes that don´t break just because you had a sneeze etc. We get how you "in game survive" but wishes for a more survival feel aspects are high so you can feel that you achieve something on your travels instead of the same feel you got in sims figuring out how to press in one more thing to do before sleep.


Just imagine having the option to have a boiling pot on a stove while you are out fishing! Just that small thing would change a lot.

You make some fine points there, but again why rush ??? time is not your enemy here there is no PVP why multitask ? I know it works well with the other survival games but in here it will be a bit excessive. There are days when the weather is very bad and all you do is pass time anyway so why not stock up on water and cook meat then? Also realistically speaking would you leave a burning stove in your home and go on fishing? I think not :)

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All that is fine, but the point is more towards the items feeling too "static" in terms of "this is a game" rather than survival on your own terms.

I would like to see things such as boil water while you do other meat while you sleep...clothes that don´t break just because you had a sneeze etc. We get how you "in game survive" but wishes for a more survival feel aspects are high so you can feel that you achieve something on your travels instead of the same feel you got in sims figuring out how to press in one more thing to do before sleep.


Just imagine having the option to have a boiling pot on a stove while you are out fishing! Just that small thing would change a lot.

You make some fine points there, but again why rush ??? time is not your enemy here there is no PVP why multitask ? I know it works well with the other survival games but in here it will be a bit excessive. There are days when the weather is very bad and all you do is pass time anyway so why not stock up on water and cook meat then? Also realistically speaking would you leave a burning stove in your home and go on fishing? I think not :)

Leaving a burning stove on? Yes of course i would. I have done it for over 30 years and nothing has ever happened. It´s a difference in a controlled fire and a hazard. In survival, you often sleep next to a fire, stove or ditch. Would be kind of a dumb and dangerous move to put out a fire in such a situation just because you need to go fish or forage for food.

This is not camping. Survival is an aspect of the mind. you must complete tasks after tasks and you dont have the luxury to "do over" if you mess up. Preparation and multitask is key, or you would die. The part where you are locked by looking at a meter going up while boiling water makes little to no sense in this point. In a game, it´s just a matter of having the timer run slower and let you do other things while you wait.

I´m sorry but in all my years in the wild, i have never ever just done one task and sitting there waiting for it to finish before i do something else. Especially not in -20 Celsius or such.

There is nothing fun with survival. If you are having fun, you are camping.
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I agree both with points made by Grihm and vancopower.

It would appeal (to me) if the game were made even more realistic by adding multitasking as suggested by Grihm, and on the other hand I think that the three predefined difficulty levels should not be adjustable.

Both for the sake of leaderboards (which I have no interest in) and for the sake of overall continuity (which I have great interest in).

When I say "I'm having difficulties with x on "Voyageur" then everyone knows exactly what my constraints are. It makes it easier for everyone.

If I say I have that problem but we have adjustable sliders for "tweaking" our difficulty level then the problem will be much harder to resolve because it's become more dynamic.

No thanks.

Anyhow regarding my favorite game, I just hope all tweaks that are made with every patch lead it more towards simulated realism -- the main thing I enjoy about this game over all others.

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Wow what kind of stoves you have in Sweden I would sure like to buy one :)

Well what can I say the mechanics in this game are different. I think what the devs. like to represent here is not just you standing watching the water boiling but, the time you spend finding plastic containers and gathering snow from outside to melt it is represented by melting the snow option, because if they done it like that it will be repetitive and very time consuming and well not fun but yes it will be more realistic. This game is all about converting resources from one type to other so fire is a way to convert wood in to watter and torches, time and tools is needed to convert limbs and branches to wood, and so on.

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We have the good kind ;)

Here is a link to a picture of one that i grew up with in our farmhouse.


A proper cast iron Husqvarna. Here a model 727 =)

Get one of these for your prepping supplies and you are good to go!

Back OT. Sure i can see that they have to weigh what will and will not be in the game, but there will always be things left out for some. It´s just the nature of making a game i suppose, but credit IS given for being the absolute best immersive survival game i have ever seen. Improvements can always be made, but it is a gem! Who knows...maby at some point we will be able to add mods!

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