Building, Crafting, and Upgrades


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In the Future,

I think it would be an amazing feature to put in the ability to build shelters in game.

Cut down trees and break up boats on the shore to get the materials that are needed for the house or shelter. and depending on your building/crafting skill is how well built your house is. You could make it so that the higher the level of the character, the bigger and better a house can be.

Building Zones would be interesting to, so in order for an area to be available for building you must clean it up and create space for the Shelter and in doing so you'd be collecting materials for building.

Over time as you build your shelter up and there is more space in your home you can create work benches and containers with personal touches like color, placement, and types of work benches. As in ones designed specifically for clothing upgrades or tool/weapon upgrades instead of just one bench and depending on the quality of tools you build that bench with is how intense the upgrades can be.

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I don't think this fits with the overall theme of the game. The character is wandering for supplies or squatting and hunting, but you never really feel comfortable in the world. Building a house with its own crafting stations and multiple add on rooms doesn't feel the same.

Above that, building a permanent structure isn't easy or fast. Especially if it needs to be insulated against -30 C temps and blizzard force winds. Constructed during all those things and wolf and bear attacks. Using leftover lumber and tools from standard consumer garages after the owners fled with the good stuff. Alone.

I see where you're going with this but I don't think it fits with the realism and survivalism of this game.

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In the Future,

I think it would be an amazing feature to put in the ability to build shelters in game.

Cut down trees and break up boats on the shore to get the materials that are needed for the house or shelter. and depending on your building/crafting skill is how well built your house is. You could make it so that the higher the level of the character, the bigger and better a house can be.

Building Zones would be interesting to, so in order for an area to be available for building you must clean it up and create space for the Shelter and in doing so you'd be collecting materials for building.

Over time as you build your shelter up and there is more space in your home you can create work benches and containers with personal touches like color, placement, and types of work benches. As in ones designed specifically for clothing upgrades or tool/weapon upgrades instead of just one bench and depending on the quality of tools you build that bench with is how intense the upgrades can be.

I believe that you have played too much Fallout 4, but this game is something else although I would not mind fixing some holes in shelters that would be nice, but then they have to add nails and nails have to be forged which adds complexity but could work

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