Can't Play The Long Dark on Xbox One


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I have played the Long Dark when it was first announced on Game Preview for the Xbox One, and everything was fine. Took a couple of months off due to school, work etc. Fast forward till now and I have purchased the game, started it up and I can only get as far as the loading screen where it says "Press any button to continue".

I have tried deleting my previous sandbox save, uninstalling the game/reinstalling, power cycling my Xbox and it still gets stuck on the loading screen. I've even left the game on while I ran errands thinking that it just had to load; it has been on that screen for 3 hours now.

Has anyone encountered this and found a solution? I really liked the game when I played it during the trial period. I'm trying to give it a chance, but I feel right now it's a waste of money and space.

I have a Day One Xbox with a 4TB external harddrive attached if that helps any. Any help is welcome and appreciated

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Hi FlipNic,

Is the game installed on the external drive? If so, you may want to try uninstalling it from there, disconnecting the external drive, clearing local and cloud caches, and reinstalling to the internal drive. Another forum mentioned some issues with a Guitar Hero peripheral causing start issues, if you have any peripherals like that, I'd disconnect them for the time being.

You might also check if any system updates are available for the Xbox itself. If you have multiple profiles on the Xbox, you may need to clear data from there as well.

Last thing I can think of is to shut the Xbox down (I.e. not low power mode), disconnect the power supply for 30 seconds or so, then connect the power and turn Xbox on. This sometimes would resolve issues with State of Decay, might help out here.

Hope any of that helps!

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Guest Support

Flipnic - I apologize that this is happening to you. I replied to the message you sent me, but Bobfrid is right on with those suggestions. Please let me know if that helps, we wanna get this fixed for you and narrowing down where the issue is will help a lot. Please reply to the PMI chaim, it will make it a bit easier to track this over the holidays.

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I had exactly the same problem as FlipNic: stuck on the loading screen where it says "Press any button to continue". None of the buttons on my wireless controller were having any effect.

Mention of peripheral issues caused me to see if that was the problem here. I've got two controllers, the official wireless one that came with the console and an extra wired one I bought when I got the console (a non-official Captain Phasma controller!) I unplugged the wired controller, pressed a button on the wireless one and ... lo and behold ... the game started immediately!

Thanks for the tip Bobfrid; it may help others who are similarly stuck.

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I've gotten the game to load successfully and I played a bit just to make sure everything was alright. I simply installed the game (Copied from external to internal) to the Xbox One's internal harddrive and l was able to get past the loading screen. I don't know what difference that made but it seems to be working fine now. I've even loaded the save a couple of times just to make sure it wasn't a fluke; everything is working fine. I'm just so happy I get to play again. Thank you everyone for your help in this matter.

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