Stereoscopic 3d?


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I'm a little curious about this as well. Since the art and rendering style in TLD doesn't focus nearly as much on the details that don't do well on VR headsets I imagine this game would do rather well on any of those platforms. Stereoscopic 3d goes hand-in-hand with this, so I'm surprised it's not getting any attention. Head tracking would be fantastic too. :P

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I am pretty sure that the Nvidia 3d vision technology works with any game using Direct 3D rendering. I doubt that TLD would be an exception to this, but I haven't tried it. I have the hardware for this and can test if you'd like though.

Okay, so I dug out my 3D vision stuff last night and gave it a go. No dice on the latest version of the game, but a quick search found a workaround that people were using earlier this year - once applied it seemed to work just fine. I'm pretty sure 3D vision is going the way of the dodo and I can tell you it's not nearly as immersive as a VR headset. Personally, I wouldn't suspect any support for it beyond what's already available. Despite the increase in cost, a full-fledged VR headset would probably be a much better option once the technology has matured a tad.

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