Bear standing up


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You may have noticed that the bear now stands on its hind legs in certain circumstances. Sometimes, I have seen him do it far away when I'm carrying raw meat; I think he is trying to smell it. He started to follow me but I got out of there. He didn't charge.

While luring the bear back to the base, I got stuck. I was waiting with the rifle for the perfect shot when he reared up again. I wasn't sure where to aim but I hesitated and it was too late; he attacked and killed me.

I'm wondering if anyone has had a successful one shot kill on the bear while it's standing up and where do you aim?

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I love it!! Have seen bears standing and sniffing the wind when I lived in Alaska in the 80's on the turnagan inlet.

I've only killed 1 bear in this game and I hated it. doesn't even seem like a fair fight and breaks my heart to kill such a magnificant animal. But (for FinDarkside) That's my own opinion..........and I don't mean to speak for anyone else.

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I shot the bear in the face twice and it still did not die. First time I was crouching for a steady shot and worried that it would get too close so I let go a bit too soon. It immediately charged and left me with about 10% health and savaged my clothes. I recovered and low on food, went back to see if it had died of the wounds yet. It had not and when I went up a slight hill and crouched again, it slowly got closer and then when I thought he was close enough, I shot it again right in the face. It charged and nearly killed me again. I managed to survive, low on medicine and only fought off the infection and barely survived with shreds for clothing left. My wonderful deer hide boots ruined! Fortunately I have enough wolf pelts now to fashion a new coat or I'd freeze easily. Very low on food now. Looted food is almost gone. :-(

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This shows the kill zones on a black bear. Note the head is not recommended for real bears. Until now, the head shots were working. Maybe they changed it? A heart shot is a quick kill but most often you would go for a lung shot or with a high powered rifle, you might shoot for the upper leg and hope for a fast bleed. In the game, I'm not sure what we're supposed to do any more. Distance shoot? a lung/heart shot? broadside?

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Where should the crosshairs be located for a double lung shot?

On a broadside shot, place the horizontal crosshairs about 1/3 of the distance from the bottom of the chest to the top of the back. Place the vertical crosshair directly behind the near side front leg.

On the quartering away shot place the vertical crosshair on the opposite side front leg and the horizontal crosshair one-third of the way up from the bottom of the chest.


Shot Placement on Alaska Game

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I just confirmed heart shot works. Downed a bear in 1 shot instantly. My days playing Cabela's Big Game Hunter wasn't for nothing after all :D If you ever played that game you would know that head shots must be really really acurate. Bears head might look big but its brain is actually 3 times smaller than a humans. Yeah just visualise hitting a brain 3 times smaller than your own. Quite hard right. That is why hunters never go for brain. I tried lung shot too. It sure is deadly but doesn't kill it instantly. Check this out this is exactly where i aimed standing to its side and a bit back angled. You gotta wait for its front leg to move forward to get a clean shot else you will hit the shoulder bone.


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I've had pretty good luck with aiming right between the eyes when the bear stops in front of the fire. The bear was tipped forward at that point due to uneven ground. Shooting into the snout not good. You want a slight height advantage or have the bear pitch forward a bit. I don't know if the game can understand this level of aiming if the snout shot would work. In reality you'd still want to aim for the brain or spinal column. IIRC the gun is a 30-06 so it can do considerable damage.

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