Light torch with magnifying lens and tinder


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Once your fire starting skill reaches 100, it would be a nice addition to get the option to light your torch with the magnifying lens and tinder instead of the firestriker option so you don't always have to start a extra fire in order to light your torch and carry a flame inside.

It could take twice as long since you have to perform more actions and this options becomes less useful when lighting a torch to scare animals.

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Yes, sure.

And regarding the sunlight I have to mention another thing: At least on Voyageur you have a 100% chance of lighting a fire when your skill is high enough, at all times of decent sunlight... Sometimes its not yet cloudy but the sun is less intense, in this state you can start a fire just as good as when its very sunny. Sometimes there is little snowfall and its pretty sunny but this time you can't light a fire at all... These two states should have a lower chance of success overall.

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