Decoy system needs tweaking


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The decoy system has a few issues:

- Everything works well as decoys: fresh meat works just as well, as a closed(!) tin

- 100% meat is just as tasty to wolves as 1% meat

- 2grams WILL keep the wolf as busy for just as long as 1000grams

The last fact leads to some people exploiting this circumstance: whenever eating something, when the food is almost eaten up, press ESC to cancel it. Then eat it again, until the bar is almost eaten up. Make sure, the remaining piece stays above 10 kcal, or it will be entirely consumed. This way you have lots, lots of tiny decoys, hugely increasing the chance that when you are dropping a decoy, it will be a 12 kcal-one.

I would like to suggest the following changes:

- The type of food should be taken into consideration, whether it will stop a chasing wolf. E.g.: food in tins should have a low (if any, a few %) chance to stop a chasing wolf, fresh meat should have almost 100% chance

- Bigger chunks of meat have a high (almost 100%) chance to stop a chasing wolf, while these 12 kcal bits have a really low chance to stop a chasing wolf

- Food in higher condition should have a high chance of stopping a chasing wolf, whereas food below a certain threshold should have a very low chance

- Decoys work better, if the chaser is still further away. Irl i imagine, if the wolf was about to strike being at close proximity, I doubt that a decoy would still deter it


- Possibly consider allowing the player to chose, which decoy to drop, uppon pressing the decoy key.

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