Lantern Refueling - Oz / Gal confusion


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Recently got TLD, absolutely loving it - wanted to show my brother the game this past weekend, now he's a big fan, too.

One thing that puzzled him greatly (and me, too), is the lantern refuel screen. The numbers currently show up as something like "12/.26 gal", which seems to indicate that you have 12 gals out of a possible .26 gal, which makes no sense. After refueling all the way, it said 34/.26 gal, which would indicate that perhaps the first number actually represents ounces (not gallons), so either there needs to be a switch of units, and say "12/34 oz", or switch the first number displayed to gallons as well, to avoid confusion: .09/.26 gal (which would be consistent with the items as displayed in inventory - jerry cans, lantern refills, etc.)

I know it's just a nitpick, but will add to the already incredible attention to detail and polish the game currently possesses.

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