small things i would like added


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potato chips

bag of cookies

fresh fruit (apples bananas)

potatoes and carrots can be found in houses or out in the woods and to make stews

marshmallows (why because thats why)

flour, suger, salt, pepper (to make bread, seasoned animal meats and stews)


different size backpacks to carry more or less

ice skate (can be used to go faster on ice slower on snow)

poncho (better then a scarf because it covers more)

light hat (found in mines runs on batteries last on batteries for 48 hours if always on)

spiked deer boots (this can be used to run faster on ice and in snow need to make deer boots first then scrap to make them like cleats )

banana (to cover your face)


candles (this would also introduce animal fat cloth can be made into string fat can be melted and put in molds made from scrap then set out to dry for 48 hours then used for light for 24 should be found in houses and cabins)

grill topper (to grill meats looses % with use can be repair with scrap and tools)

pot (for stews and to boil water in looses % every use can be repair with scrap useing tools)

bow drill (crafting used to make fire)

tube (to get fuel from cars )

ice box (made from scrap and forge used to keep food fresher longer can only be placed out in the snow)

Buildings id like to see

library can be a small one find lots of books and newspapers and lots of shelves for reclaimed wood

grocery store again can be small or big great place to find lots of canned food soda and water

small hotel im thinking 4 story bottom would have a fireplace and kitchen then 2-4 rooms per floor each with a small mini fridge and bathroom bed and dresser

tweaks to things we already have

stamina (goes up over time to a max as you walk around encumbered for so long also i think coffee and tea need to be used as a stamina filler or boost when drank)

ability to carry more over time im thinking 1lb per 10 days maxing at 100

not counting our clothing as part of our overall carry weight or tweaking how heavy the clothing is(i find this annoying because when i hunt deer with best clothing on i have to carry almost nothing to get the meat and not be encumbered)

deer running forever never stopping when hit (this annoys me because ill wound a deer and it will run non stop till it dies in this case about 10 mins out of game the blood trail stoped completely and if i hadn't back tracked to find an arrow would have never found the deer again even the wolves stop)

easier to find arrows (when i fire my arrows not only are they hard to see but they end up farther or in a different direction then the way i shot its annoying and something needs to be done about this)


some form of indoor/outdoor farming

outdoor temporary shelter (igloo)

cloth door for those freaking ice fishing huts

eventual respawns for (saplings and food after being out of and area already looted for 200 days to give a reason to go back to other areas and only one area will respawn the supplies and it cant be the area your in or have not looted example if you have only been to ML and PV and looted them stayed in CH for 200 days then ML or PV could have respawned )


spear (scrap metal and cured sapling the same as the ones use to make bows making a 3 prong spear)

shovel (to dig fall traps need to be covered with sticks ,cloth and old mans lichen )

plastic arrows (can only be found very rare very hard to break)

food traps (leave deer meat on it trap a wolf)

and thats all for now thank you !! :D

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On a serious note, you couldn't find fresh fruit, not in winter in a situation like in the game. Potatoes and carrots are a possibility, but only indoors. Anything outside is in a frozen ground and too hard to get out, even if they would be otherwise usable (I guess that's the reason the game doesn't utilize cattail roots, which are actually better than potatoes nutritionally).

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