v265 - two great additions


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I just played a little to see what v265 is like, and I very soon noticed two really great additions:

1. The ability to place things

2. Burnt-out campfires disappear after a while

Woohoo! I can now arrange my things in my base the way I want! Home, sweet home! And outside everything is tidy. Perfect.

In another thread people were complaining a bit and alleging the devs aren't listening to the forums. I think here is proof to the contrary, since the two additions I mentioned have been asked for by number of folks. And now we got them! :D

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The Devs are certainly listening to the community when it comes to a whole lot of details. ;)

For example they made adding wood to a fire increase its temperature during the Deep Forest Update, added a bow, reworked the lighting at night, etc. Even an area similar to the Crumbling Highway and the addition of buildings like a factory and a church were once suggested by users afaik, but this might be a coincidence of course.^^

By the way, the lighting at night is really awesome now. If the sky is clear and the moon is (more or less) full, the moonlit landscape looks nothing but beautiful. There are even shadows! I once found myself wandering around in DP during such a night for a few ingame hours without any real purpose, just to admire the scenery.

PS: Vanishing campfires and placable items are neat additions as well, thank you for that. :)

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