Bermuda Triangle at the Coastal Highway?


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While appreciating the immense amount of programming work involved in making TLD, I stumbled on a bug that is downright funny. It exists at the easternmost house at the Coastal Highway Townsite - the house up on the hill at (945,50,502). I am playing in the Pilgrim mode of v.258.

In the kitchen, there are two stoves. There is a normal stove, and another stove where the refrigerator should be. This second stove has a two-dimensional refrigerator slicing the the stove vertically down the middle. The two appliances are trying to occupy the same space. You see just the narrow, front edge-on of the freezer/fridge about 6 feet high, with stove burners sitting on either side. It's labeled as a freezer/fridge -- and empty because I had been in the house weeks earlier when it was a less-weird 3D fridge.

I can click on the front edge and put a Stacy Grape Soda inside -- then click on it again, and voila, remove the soda from this two-dimensional bizarro fridge.

The first thing that came to mind was the image of that alleged event in the Bermuda Triangle during WWII depicting a sailor stuck coming halfway through the ship's bulkhead during some paranormal event.

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I have spotted in several more places the "2D refrigerator vertically splitting a stove". At another house in the Townsite at 771, 27, 759. Also at one of the Waterfront cottages. And the house on Misanthrope Island.

Another appliance issue involves the oven door in my house in the Townsite nearest the water. The oven door is sitting halfway off to the left as if it were made to slide sideways on a track. This issue also exists with the oven door in the house at 831, 26, 605. Creative. Had not yet seen one of these in an Architectural Digest home.

In all cases, the respective refrigerators and ovens are functional as storage containers in the game. Sorry to dump these on you when you are trying to get the new version out. Should I call my G.E. repairman to fix them?

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I noticed this too in the PV farmhouse. In addition to misplaced doors, there are levitating wardrobes and drawers upstairs. It's like the coordinates of some of the furniture were slightly off, although I prefer to think the farmhouse is haunted.

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I noticed this too in the PV farmhouse. In addition to misplaced doors, there are levitating wardrobes and drawers upstairs. It's like the coordinates of some of the furniture were slightly off, although I prefer to think the farmhouse is haunted.

Are you using a save from an older version, or was this a fresh run from the last update? If it's from an older update version then that would explain it since a lot of the geometry, settings, and data have changed (so they may no longer mesh up with old saves properly).

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Ahh, yes. This is a game that started under v.244. I'm operating in Pilgrim mode and reached day 400+. Was hoping to reach day 1,000+ in this game (trying to master how to max out my match inventory). However, if I stay with this game, I guess I will have to live with these oddities. I'm probably lucky that I haven't seen more weird stuff. Thanks for the explanation.

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