About the wood harvesting


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I have not read every post here,( actually just joined ) so i may be repeating another players request

I have no problem with the wood harvesting mechanics except when harvesting the branches

I feel it would be more life like that after you harvested a branch you would not have to pick the pieces up, I mean if in real life if I break a branch in two over my knee, I am not going to drop both pieces and have to bend over and pick them up again. It seems the game would flow better to me to just break the branch and move on to the next stick or branch.

Minor gripe for a great game

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Also would like to see an option added that after a set # of times the game would ask you if you wanted to skip having to click the harvest tab and not force you to click the harvest button each time, Just click on the branch and you harvest it automatically

Would be nice as well for some branches to yield more than 2 sticks and I concur that 10 minutes is to long to harvest them

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How about an "auto-harvest" or "auto-pickup" option in the game menu, when ticked it will just skip the harvest/picking things up screen, and anything you click on is just put in your inventory. this would work for sticks, plants, and any other item you see that you can just click on to pick up. (great for that pile of 100+ sticks you have sitting in a pile next to the fire place)

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