Slight wolf change in light of v.256


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I don't necessarily want to get into a huge debate about all the changes that people think wolves should have, because there are many threads for that, I don't think there's a "right answer" yet, and whatever is decided upon will likely be a big change.

What I want to discuss is the new phenomenon that is present now that we can sprint: I can essentially always just sprint away from wolves. I sprint directly away from them and they lose interest, every time. I keep acquiring more and more flares and not really using them. The only time this doesn't work is when I want to go to the area behind the wolf, in which case I typically use a flare, but this is rare.

I think the change for this is both simple and highly realistic. What does everyone tell you about interactions with predators in real outdoor situations? (Do all kinds of things like don't make eye contact, look big, make noise, and most importantly:) NEVER SPRINT AWAY. It causes them to instinctually chase you, thinking you're prey. So just make that happen in game: if a wolf is following me and I start to sprint, he should immediately go into full attack mode as well, and close on me lickety split.

What do people think? Easy fix? Any issues with this?

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Well sure, I'm not saying that wolves would do this in the real world, because wolves don't attack people. But in the scenario we're in, where wolves are attacking the player, they are a predator, simple as that. There are tons of articles, books, etc. about avoiding predator attacks, and while I agree they are written for real animals that may attack you, like bears, they always clearly state to not run away. Here's one example.

Keep in mind that we're surviving in a world where wolves are "that dumb". They're a predator, they DO attack the us, and should act like one (chase their prey if it runs). So don't throw the idea out so easily, IMO. Also, gameplay.

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Well sure, I'm not saying that wolves would do this in the real world, because wolves don't attack people. But in the scenario we're in, where wolves are attacking the player, they are a predator, simple as that. There are tons of articles, books, etc. about avoiding predator attacks, and while I agree they are written for real animals that may attack you, like bears, they always clearly state to not run away. Here's one example.

Keep in mind that we're surviving in a world where wolves are "that dumb". They're a predator, they DO attack the us, and should act like one (chase their prey if it runs). So don't throw the idea out so easily, IMO. Also, gameplay.

Since you do realize this is a game, what do you think a player should do at the very beginning of a stalker run, if spawn close to a wolf?

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Canine predatory behavior has been well documented as instinctual. Seek, track, stalk, flush, rundown, slash, bite, lock, twist, hold, feed. Talking here about flush. When the canine charges from his stalking pose, prey flees. He then runs it down, slashing at its hind quarters until it falls. If nothing runs, the cycle is broken. False alarm. Back to square one.

Aggressive behavior is distinct and separate. Includes barking, growling, snapping, and attacks. Aggressive behavior is used to define territory or dominance. Basic message is "back off". Normally progresses as proximity is increased. Retreat or fleeing will not trigger an attack. Flight is the intent (unless you are part of its clan and it wants to hold you down to establish dominance but that's probably not what we're dealing with here). Pursuit may ensue until the animal is satisfied that its territory or dominance has been established.

Question is: Are we threats or are we prey?

... Because whenever wolves become agressive towards human, a merciless revenge would wipe out their race in that area.

I don't think wolves are that smart :). More likely, they have been selectively hunted til only those who are more instinctually cautious or timid survive.

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Since you do realize this is a game, what do you think a player should do at the very beginning of a stalker run, if spawn close to a wolf?

They get attacked, I suppose. I don't see what the issue is here, especially since it won't kill them. Are you worried about game balance? If you're going to play on Stalker, you are taking a risk. On top of this, I only play on Stalker and have never spawned so close to a wolf that I immediately get attacked.

Question is: Are we threats or are we prey?

Yeah, that's a great question! I was assuming we are prey, in which case what I described would be a good response (what you're calling "flush"). If we were considered a threat, I'm not sure what the wolf would do if we ran... maybe just stand there. But whatever it is, it probably isn't the current thing they do, which is trot after us. On top of that, if the geomagnetic disaster is causing wolves to be this aggressive toward us, what other parts of their instincts have been altered?

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I don't think wolves are that smart :). More likely, they have been selectively hunted til only those who are more instinctually cautious or timid survive.

No, not instinctually. They learn that. Animal may react quite differently according to what humans do. Wolves will no longer be afraid of humans if constantly given food from local residents.

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They get attacked, I suppose. I don't see what the issue is here, especially since it won't kill them. Are you worried about game balance? If you're going to play on Stalker, you are taking a risk. On top of this, I only play on Stalker and have never spawned so close to a wolf that I immediately get attacked.

I do restart many times in ML on Stalker to check the possible spawn locations. Player will not find a wolf so close if spawn in Dave's or Allen's. But all the rest of the places are not absolutely safe. Right now about 5% chance the player will spawn beside a wolf. Wolf encounter chance will be much higher if the player moves around. If the player gets attacked and an infection will surely be a death sentence. So the player's got to restart the game. So what's this risk for? Right now, luckily, always sprint away. You can try play stalker and never use sprinting if you like.

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