Wolf Memory

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One morning (about 8 years ago now) I was sitting at my campsite on an island in the middle of a lake in the eastern Canadian woods (in the northern part of Réserve faunique La Vérendrye), drinking a cup of coffee. The sun was just peeking out over the horizon, creating a dim yellow glow in the east. Bright enough to see, anyway. Thin mist on the lake. Out of the woods at the lake edge appears a pack of six wolves, headed to the water to drink. I was maybe 60 yards away across the water. The Alpha looked at me (I assume it was the Alpha, he was big, and seemed to be watching over the others), I looked at him and gave him a little nod and raised my cup to him a bit (i unlocked my knife sheath too, because even though I didn't feel overly threatened, you never know) but otherwise stayed still.

The wolves drank, the Alpha took his turn, and then I did something reckless and stupid. I'd never do this now (could be seen as a threatening gesture), but I tried a howl. The wolves looked up with expressions I can only describe as "get a load of this jackass" and the Alpha howled back before leading the pack back into the woods.

It remains one of the best moments of my life.

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