Unsure what to call this bug?


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I'm pretty sure this is a bug, but I may be wrong. I'm currently playing on Mystery Lake, and a day ago or so of in-game time I was attacked by a wolf and was left with a wound that had a risk of infection. I decided to ignore it because I was low on bandages and had some antibiotics to stop the infection. The infection risk grew to 90% but that's where it stopped. Later in the game I was exploring around the unnamed pond when my game dropped to probably 5 fps or less for about 10-20 seconds. When the frames returned to normal, I was alerted that my wound had become infected, and immediately after it said my wound had healed nicely. When I checked my afflictions in the first aid section, I somehow had about 20 afflictions of infection from the wolf bite. I don't know if this is normal, but I'm going to post it here just in case.

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Update: ok this has to be a bug because each affliction told me I had to take two pills to stop it, shouldn't it just be one overall infection? I was losing about 1% condition every 5 seconds because of this and I tried sleeping because that's what it said to do and my condition pretty much immediately dropped to zero when I slept and I died.

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