PC crashes to BSOD....V.244


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....so I have been playing TLD since just before v.236...not long...but the game had never crashed the whole PC.

Until v.244.

I don't know if this has been reported before.

It's usually a memory management type of error from the Windows crash report. Clock watchdog time outs.

Usually after the crash I was always able to get the game running and load to my last save.

Until today...the game has reset. I was in The Coastal Highway transitioning from inside to outside and the PC crashed. Now the LOAD command can't access the last save.

65 days....I was planning on a reset any how to get out of Pilgrim Mode to Voyageur. Oh well. If anyone can tell me IF there is a crash report that's helpful to Hinterland and the TLD community I will be happy to help.


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Thanks Jeremy...I'll look BUT I didn't spot anything extra on my desktop ( I keep a tidy desktop...sign of a disturbed mind? :P ). Screen grabs thru TLD ( not STEAM ) show up right away.

It was perhaps due to some memory instability in my PC. After a BIOS update I ran few sessions in various games Crysis3....Fallout Las Vegas and TLD v244. The system was stable.

Just sad I lost my crafted items....boots...mittens...wolf coat and bear sleeping bag. :(

back to day 6 now...crafting some new boots.... bow and arrows next....back up that snowy hill.... :)

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