What happened to the bloodtrail?


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Not sure if this is a bug or a choice by the team, but I've noticed the following the last couple of days while hunting with the bow and arrow:

1) I hit the animal (be it deer or wolf);

2) I hear the impact of the arrow;

3) I see a plume of blood;

4) The animal runs away;

5) The arrow falls to the ground;

6) No blood trail.

This is Alpha v.244

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i seen one recently v244 when i shot and wound a deer.

The blood trail may of lasted for less than 1 hour maybe? I can't really remember cause a blizzard was coming. but the blood trail gave me a brief general direction where the beast was going to die.

Next morning I got up and went in general direction and found the dead deer. awesome!

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the blood trail gave me a brief general direction where the beast was going to die.

Next morning I got up and went in general direction and found the dead deer. awesome!

Good for you, to me it seems the blood trail gives absolutely no information.

It happened already three times that a wounded bear ran away south and I found his body in the north the next day. or he ran away and found his body diligently placed ouside the door of my refuge...

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I'd love to see this re-done as well. I fight a wolf (or shoot a wolf, but not a head shot), I track the blood trail to the side of a steep slope and it's just gone. Last night I tracked the wolf to some woods near the unnamed pond, it ran around and around while I waited crouched, then it ran straight up a steep hill and disappeared in a rock wall.

Sure, I could have shot it, but I'm low on bullets and already paid the health price, used antiseptic/bandage and clothing damage cost for fighting it hand-to-hand. I then spent the calories to run after it and risk of cold waiting around for it to die, and then after all that running around it just disappears before dying and I get no loot at all?

That's just too harsh.

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