Crouching causes weird Fluffy behaviour


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This is a curious bug that happened to me in v.236.

I entered the dam (ML side) to go have some fun with Fluffy. As soon as I was inside I crouched (didn't take a single step if I recall right) and I waited for him. I heard him walking around, then he came through the door leading in the main area, saw me and jumped on me.

Then something went wrong. He was almost on me when he stopped and resumed normal patrolling. He was going towards the door so - still crouched - I moved near him. When I was close enough he stopped and looked around but didn't see me, I was able to stay crouched next to him and almost pat his little fluffy head. Then he noticed me and attacked for real this time. I fought, he ran and after that everything was weirdly zoomed. This zooming effect disappeared as soon as I stood up. This was in stalker on Windows 7, sadly I didn't take screenshots or made a log copy. I only have a few non-debug screenshot of the fight and the zoomed-in view (I was more or less in the middle of the room when I took them):




I tried to reproduce it on voyager, Windows 8, and I wasn't able to but I definitely found something weird going on. I didn't wait as soon as I entered because Fluffy wasn't spawned yet so I slept and then I placed myself with my back to the door, crouched and waited.


Finally Fluffy came and when he noticed me he ran towards me, then through me, then he let out a scared yelp and ran away. The second time he saw me he attacked normally and I was crouching but I didn't end up with the weird zoomed in view this time. I can attach a log from this voyager run if you need it.

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Guest mcopeman

I was able to reproduce fluffy running when near the door. However, I am having trouble getting this zoomed in effect you are talking about. Let me know if you see this again!


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I was able to reproduce fluffy running when near the door. However, I am having trouble getting this zoomed in effect you are talking about. Let me know if you see this again!

That zooming effect can happen when a wolf attacks you while you're crouched, happened to me a couple of times. If I can reproduce it I'll have more info and a picture :)

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