Night Walker Achievement Award


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Could someone please explain the requirements to achieve this award. I have slept outside overnight three times: two times in a bedroll outside a cabin, and once in a cave. Each time, I was "resting" there for a couple of hours before and after night time so it would be considered "overnight". Thanks.

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Any problems with any other achievements? 100% you didn't enter a single interior during the night? Going into the lookout towers counts as going inside. Also Caves counts as going indoors as well. Basically the achievement means you literally need to be outside beneath the stars for 3 nights in a row. You can go inside during the day but during the night hours you must be outdoors beneath the stars not huddled in a cave.


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Should also mention (although it most likely isn't applicable in your case) that if players use copies of previous saves, then achievements and Leaderboard Scores don't count.

Just mentioning that because a lot of players will make a backup copy of a saved spot, and then use it if they fail in their main run -- but forget that if they're going for an achievement or high score, it's voided. I've seen a number of players mentioning not getting different achievements, and then later mentioned "I even used a backup copy of the save so I didn't have to redo those first 'x' days again"...

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Actually, I was asking about the Night Walker award, which is described as "survive an entire night outside (single game)". (Silent Beneath a Starry Sky is the award for 3 consecutive Nights outside (single game).

So I guess I should not count the night I spent in the Hill Top Cave in PV after transitioning from ML to PV. I can appreciate that is not really "outside".

However, the other two nights (one in CH and the other in PV, same game) were spent outside the homes. I threw down the sleeping bag (a Bearskin Bedroll) outside the houses and slept there from "two hours of daylight left" until "13 hours of daylight left" in the morning. No trips onto the porch or inside the house. Maybe my bearskin bedroll is considered too comfortable for the challenge? LOL. Or maybe I was too close to a cabin?

I have had no problem with the other awards, of which I have achieved 18 and which flickered on the screen immediately and then shown up in my list at Steam.

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Okay so you weren't awarded the single night one? If you spend it on a porch that would have been fine, I checked the porches to see if they disallowed the achievement but they are fine. So to be honest I'm not sure why you and others aren't getting this achievement or the 3 night one. I've tested it a lot and was able to trigger it each time. I'll dig around some more, must be something that's preventing/delaying it.


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I just tried again - twice: once in PV near the Farmstead, and once in CH near a house at the Townsite (the lone one on the shore side of the highway with a fireplace). In each case, I placed the bedroll at least 75 feet from any structure with only "2 hours of daylight left", set the rest time for 12 hours (max setting for rest), woke up, and set it for 2 more hours of rest well into daylight.

Not trying to be a pain here. Just want to figure out how the Night Stalker award works. My self-esteem can stand not getting the award. Are you sure it does not require being outside structures for 24 hours or something like that, or being a certain distance away?

BTW, this game run is not being done with some sort of saved backup. It was a totally fresh start after v.236 was released. Survived 404 days so far in Pilgrim mode. Only real problem is degradation of matches; they are vanishing from the houses when they reach 0%. In the future, I will leave them where I find them, and note their location until I need to use them -- to avoid premature degradation while in my possession.

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Finally achieved the Night Walker achievement award after many attempts in PV and CH. The attempt that finally registered occurred when I placed my bedroll behind a big rock on the road above the CH Townsite. Maybe my previous attempts were just too close to human structures? Perhaps this more remote site for the bedroll avoided GPS locations imprecisely associated with nearby houses.

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