Changing condition, fatigue, cold, hunger and thirst


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The system right now it not optionally.

There is missing something. If you put your self in risk there should be more long term impact you should deal with ad least the next following days.

This is my 25 cent.

Condition: When condition drops there should be a chance of catching a flu or something like it. The lower the condition the higher chance. The lower the condition the longer time it should take to get it back up to full. I say 4 to 5 days. Not as it is now with around 12 hours.

Fatigue: The max fatigue should follow the condition as it is today if I'm not wrong. If you try to sleep with full fatigue you calorie burning should go up because of ineffective sleep. If you have extreme low fatigue you will have vision interruption 1 or 2 sec blackout and cant walk very long before stopping. This one effect condition slowly and do not follow condition beneath 60%. You cant die of it.

Cold: If you are freezing you get frostbite with make it hard to do anything. Even running. Also the today under 10% condition effect would be nice. There should also be a more long term effect of frostbite over the next days. This one effect condition and kill you fast. (Maybe this one should have its own condition bar.)

Hunger: If you starving you CANT SLEEP. This one is important. Total remove the hibernation problem. Also when you eat again you with have higher calorie burn for some time. Also shaking your hands making it hard to shut and doing anything. This one effect condition slowly.

Thirst: If you dehydrate tinnitus and spots interrupt your visions. This on effect condition a little faster the hunger.

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Good idea's! But I think not being able to sleep while starving is taking it too far. Having trouble sleeping is more realistic if you ask me. The longer you're starving, the more often you wake up before the time you chose is up (the sleep interruption mechanism that was introduced several updates back could be used for this).

That will make hibernation much more a pain, without unnecessarily punishing people who not are starving by choice. If you misjudged the amount of food needed for your exploration trip and you're trapped outside in a blizzard with no food left, you wouldn't be able to sleep through the blizzard and by the time it's over you're also exhausted making the trip back to safety even more difficult.

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Right now if you are not thirsty and want to drink the game simply says "Not Thirsty" and does not allow you to drink. What if the game said "Not Sleepy" and not allow the player sleep? I would add the option to "Rest" however. This would let the player pass the time, at the preselected increments, where they would gain the benefits of the bed (the extra warmth) and a lower caloric consumption (but not as good as sleeping). Kinda like having insomnia and just toughing it out in the bed.

I also think the "rest" option would be a nice one for some of the chairs and couches that exist in the game. Player has a fire and decides to just rest for a bit near the fireplace, taking it easy on the couch. I think the rest option would dove tail nicely into the system if we could put something onto cook/melt/boil and not have to stand over the fire.

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Great suggestion. I'm all for not being able to sleep when not tired, as long as there is a way to pass the time. I would not want to wait out a 9 hour blizzard with nothing to do and no way to speed up time...

I've always thought resting should be possible just about anywhere. Just because I don't have a bedroll, that doesn't mean I can't sit next to the fire and wait out a blizzard in a cave or fishing hut. It should at least prevent the fatigue bar from increasing, maybe even dropping slowly. But be much less effective than sleeping.

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Great suggestion. I'm all for not being able to sleep when not tired, as long as there is a way to pass the time. I would not want to wait out a 9 hour blizzard with nothing to do and no way to speed up time...

I've always thought resting should be possible just about anywhere. Just because I don't have a bedroll, that doesn't mean I can't sit next to the fire and wait out a blizzard in a cave or fishing hut. It should at least prevent the fatigue bar from increasing, maybe even dropping slowly. But be much less effective than sleeping.

That is a great idea.

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