QoL Improvements to Minimize Time-Wasters

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There are many many places where the game gets bogged down SIGNIFICANTLY due to menu interactions n stuff.

 Here's a list of things that take way too long in my opinion:

-Breaking down torches takes 2 minutes, so the progress bar should fill up extremely fast instead of how painfully slow it is right now (make it a similar speed to breaking down a fire, which takes longer by the way )
-Drinking from a flask is annoying and complicated
-Harvesting animals /breaking down/crafting items forces you to select your preferred tool over, and over, and over, and over...
-Harvesting animals (especially rabbits) is time consuming, because optimally you use a knife on the meat and guts, and hands on the fur to save durability.
This makes the harvesting animation play twice, which takes a long time to sit through.
A way to improve this would be to speed up the harvesting animation depending on the skill level of the player.
You could do like (0/0/5%/10%/20%) faster animations depending on skill level or something like that. I think it fits perfectly, because you're getting better at harvesting animals, so it would also be a visible way to see that your survivor has improved his skill. Or maybe just make the rabbit and ptarmie animations a bit shorter, pls! 😆 
-Sleeping for a few hours should have a shorter fade to black VS. sleeping 8+ hours, since sleeping 1hr in between boiling water to use time optimally is used often.


There are probably more annoyances that i'm not remembering right now, but please please please consider improving upon these five at least, the only outcome of addressing these time-wasters is less frustration and boredom from players.



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