Levitating burnt out fire


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After killing my first bear, I wanted to harvest it. Weather conditions were bad, and to prevent myself from freezing I started a campfire right on top of the bear carcass. This is a little strange in itself, but it became even stranger when I had harvested the bear fully and returned after a trip to Radio Control Hut to drop off the meat: the bear carcass had disappeared (being fully harvested), but the burnt out campfire was still there, now levitating in the air! There needs to be a mechanism to make it either drop to the ground or disappear when the carcass disappears.

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Let me add that I placed the fire on top of the bear because I found myself unable to place it next to it. I don't know why that was, the bear was lying on a slope, but it was not very steep. I felt that I should be able to place a fire next to it, but couldn't (campfire appeared red all around it). I remember dimly there was another report about not being able to place a fire next to some carcass, can't remember whether it was a bear or not.

I would think that harvesting a bear takes a lot more time in general than harvesting a deer or wolf. As a consequence, the ability to place a fire next to it could be important gameplay-wise. It may be a design decision to not allow it, I don't know. Just wanted to mention it in the context.

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Already reported being able to start fires on cadavres, or watch here: (also how to exploit wolves being afraid of the fire to steal their lunch ;) )

[bBvideo 560,340:1rbfoz79]


Edit: It is very odd that fires with a still relatively high burning time (almost an hour) have no flames (see @ 02:00 and near the end) by the way. Is this by design or a bug?

And yes, deteriorating of meat is way too quick while meat is thawed.

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Thats not the issue:

0:43: startet fire, 0:54 burntime, fire, ok

1:38: 0:43 burntime, fire, ok

2:03: no burntime, embers, no fire, ok

2:06: 0:59 burntime, flames for 2 seconds, then floor around the fire is lighted, but flames are gone <-- thats the issue

2:13: 0:57 burntime, floor around the fire is lighted, but no flames <-

2:32: 2:32 burntime, flames stay, ok

If you start a new fire, fire with relatively high remaining burning time (almost 1hr) produce flames as you would expect, but after you put wood on embers, the flames are shown only for 2 seconds then go out again, while the floor around the fire is still correctly lit.

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