Things that would be nice if changed.


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1. Something is wrong with the lightning (I'm stupid light off cause) inside compare to the blizzard, mist, dawn, morning or whatever outside. They don't give you the same feeling when inside it seems to be light and sunny outside. Only thing that give you a clue about the the outside is the sound of the wind.

2. Lantern fuel burns to fast. When its dawn and the lights is gone and I want to craft as in RL turn on the lantern and put it on the table. When you start the timer for crafting you speed-burn the fuel away and after end circle its empty. (same with flares) Make it work as when you harvest deer and you see a wolf coming toward you. The time is fast moving but the wolf don't. Make it the same with lantern fuel or burning flares.

3. Dehydrate after a long nights sleep is not right. If you sleep you have lower calories burning. Let that also work with hydrating. And give us water bottles for transporting the water and a pot for boiling it. Right now things around water is just annoying, boring and to easy.

4. Our cloth when repaired to 100% should last much longer before going down as a bonus for the full repair.

5. Flares should stack together.

6. When you are hunted by a wolf and you react the door inside a house and the delay for the loading are coming the wolf can start the mini struggle game with the wolf. It does not keep you from enter the house but it shouldn't be there in the first place.

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