Some ideas for Stalker


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1. Ranger Digest: you can read it - you can burn it. One article about survival and one good recipe for crafting.

2. You need a light for doing any work(repair, harvest and so on). If you have no sources of light at night take a nap.

3. You no need bench and vise to start crafting clothes. Why? And all 10 leather at same time you no need too.

4. Your axe and knife work worse in bad condition and spend more time for all operations. Rifle in bad condition often misfires. Disassemble tools for parts or try to work or repair permanently? Good question.

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  • 1 month later...

I absolutely agree. mode stalker has to be more difficult.

in 235 there were many tools and things, game became much easier, on the mode the stalker - too, because of it to play not so interestingly. I hope in the future it will correct.

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  • 1 month later...

1- +1. I'd like to see survival hints implemented in an immersive way. Sure once you've played for a while you understand that not paying attention to the wind can not only slow you down but carry your scent. A book or brochure (it's clear you're in a popular hunting/fishing/game area since there is a rangers cabin and multiple houses across the maps so it would make sense).

2- +1. I've been sewing for ten years and I've never once been able to do it in pitch black. I'd hate to try to repair my gun with old can openers in the middle of the night too. But, we need the lighting mechanics in the houses to be better. I can walk outside into blaring sunshine but if I step inside it looks like a storm has settled in every time. I've never once needed a flashlight to navigate my house in the middle of the day.

3- +1. Unless the work bench has scissors and you're lacking any form of a blade, you don't need a table to sew together a jacket, just do it on the floor.

4. I believe this is already implemented. I WOULD like to see a rifle below 50% having a chance to misfire and below 25% having the chance to jam, costing the player time in clearing the round. We don't have a large penalty currently for keeping our gun in absolutely horrid condition.

5. +1! Yes please. I love that houses offer protection from wolves, especially on CH, but considering these wolves are psychotic mankillers anyway I don't see them not trying to get into the home. I'd like to see on Stalker difficulty that predators will try to break into a home, especially if you're curing guts, leather or drying meat (if they later offer that) or have just left food lying around. Maybe even if you don't put food into an airtight container like a fridge or plastic box (since I currently dump all of my food into a drawer in the kitchen) you'll increase that risk.

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5. Some houses doors are close and you need tools to open. You can breakthrough the windows but wolves and cold will be able too.

+1 for having to open doors with a pry bar (or even a lock pick?). It would add a wonderful thrill if you run for shelter from a wolf or bear and don't know whether you will be able to open the door right away. As for animals entering through doors and windows, I imagine that would be a problem technically, as the inside of buildings loads separately. Otherwise, I would also second that.

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(or even a lock pick?)

No necessary to be so polite in world without people, I guess ) And technically I don't see real problem to spawn an animal indoor while you're sleeping. So if you break a window or door smells of food can attract wolfs and bears to your abode. And you get a fat chance to wake up at the predator's teeth or face him at the entrance.

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While I don't have strong feelings about most these ideas, I do like the ideas of the wildlife and structures taking a more active role in stalker.


1. Bear or wolf breaking into your storage if they can smell something tasty, and maybe taking some of your food and throwing the rest around the room while not there.

2. Maybe even coming back to find the wolf or bear still there. (Leave and hope they eventually leave too? Or defend your area?)

3. If something follows you to a building, perhaps it stays around and sniffs and scratches at the entrance for a while till it decides it's a lost cause and moves on.

4. Different ways of getting into buildings.

5. Barricade doors and windows to help keep the wildlife out.

6. Perhaps some way to cover the smell emanating from your hard-earned meat (with a worse smell?) Could fade similar to how footprints fade as the snow covers it up, or fade over a predefined amount of time.

7. The prybar gets more love.

8. Climbing out a different window while the wolf climbs in the first window.

9. (For bonus points) Trapping an animal inside and barricading it so it starves. Doubt bears would starve quickly but wolves would.

Dislikes (unless there's a way to prevent with some preparation):

1. Animals chasing me in. - Wolves, maybe. But a bear? It would rip the wall apart before it got thru the window and that opens a can of worms I don't want to wish for yet.

2. Animals coming in while I'm there (asleep or not). - Perhaps if an animal was thinking about climbing in while I'm there, I'd wake to hear sniffing and scratching around first.

3. Coming out and facing an animal that's right at the entrance cause it's still sniffing around hours later. - Not big on this, but not against it. If it's obvious you can hear something at the front entrance, then you deserve what you get (like going outside when you can hear there's a blizzard then complaining that you froze to death from the blizzard).

4. A bear getting frustrated that it can't get in so it attacks the structure with me still inside and the structure collapses inward on me.

If stalker were made more difficult, that survival book could warn of what you might expect and hints at possible solutions for it.

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