Snowstorm emergency


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Rather, the emergency here is not the blizzard, but the situation that occurred due to the blizzard! I walked towards the airfield at the Abandoned Airfield location (I was at this location for the first time). I decided to take a shortcut and turned off the road somewhere here:


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After I approached the frozen river (and the weather was sunny), I decided to sleep to regain my strength and preserve myself, but when I woke up I discovered that a blizzard had begun! I didn't know how to get back! I would get lost very quickly!

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I decided to wait out the snowstorm under a stone and started making a fire. But then I discovered that the only fuel I had was books! And I started burning books! I hoped that the snowstorm would subside by night, but I was very wrong! Fortunately, it was already evening and the night was not far away, but the blizzard did not end, as did my desire to survive! I had some potatoes with me for food and started frying them. Three or four times the wind blew out the fire and I had to move. It was already dark and the snowstorm was not ending and I had hope! Build a snow shelter! But the problem was that I didn’t have any poles, not even five!

The only way to get sticks was through a fire! The regular books are almost gone and I started burning (it’s going to hurt someone now) the skill books!!! I burned them with tears in my eyes, but it was necessary to survive! Out of 20 books, only one survived!!! Having received a sufficient number of sticks, I built a shelter.

But it practically didn’t help! From the remains of the books, I made a fire and went to bed, I also lit a lamp that warmed me up a little!

By morning the snowstorm had not stopped, but my mittens were torn and I got frostbite! But I didn't give up! I decided to take a desperate step: just run to the airfield! I remembered which direction the airfield was located and ran! I ran, got cold and started to lose my health, got another frostbite, but I ran!!! But suddenly I saw trees from the side, faintly at first, but then they began to become clearer! At first I didn’t believe my eyes, but then I completely understood it: the blizzard was over, I survived!!!!! I found which way the airfield was located and got there without incident!

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Thank you very much for your support! 🤗 Traces of this snowstorm can be seen in the form of two frostbite marks in some of my screenshots! When I return to the airfield, I’ll show you the place where I survived!

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