A Pilgrim in Broken Railroad


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A bit bored of Coastal Highway, Mystery Lake, Mountain Town on pilgrim level. So I have ventured to Broken Railroad. So far, its a somewhat interesting and somewhat challenging place. Its roadkill central with more dead deer than you can collect! The map is sort of quirky and one char plunged to the long dark end off a cliff that looked very goat-able. Live and learn. Or not. It doesn't seem possible to ice fish here but I will keep trying. Also a hatchet and a prybar have eluded me so far but I have more of the map to check out. So far its about the right level  of being challenging without being too boring or TOO challenging.

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It's a bit quiet near the exit side to forlorn, but there's so much food at the shed and lake it'll keep you going for months.. 

I'm surprised you haven't found a hatchet or prybar anywhere yet though..there should be several in each map.  

Sounds like you're enjoying it though.

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And now in Mystery Lake, having transversed Forlorn Muskeg in one go-- not much there along the tracks to tempt a stay. Now I have a hatchet and prybar from Mystery Lake. Broken Railroad has the forge, I found the heavy hammer, and a lot of coal stored there, so in case I ever get to where I need a forge--its there to go back to.

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All of the hatchets and prybars I could not find in Broken Railroad are in abundance in Mystery Lake. They are everywhere, hatchet after hatchet, prybar after prybar. Strange. And so many dead deer-- I dread seeing a deer carcass now. I find it hard to ignore them, being largely a roadkill, snare and fish player, but at the same time-- so many! Pilgrim seems to have become much easier, or possibly over time I have become somewhat of a better player, but surviving in Pilgrim is easier than ever. This is my first multi-region sustained run so we will see how it goes. Usually I just stick to one region because I find the transition zones too gimmicky to bother with.

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