Dual Survival


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Did anyone catch the new Dual Survival last night?

They are in an environment that bears some chilling similarities with the conditions in TLD. While they are not in BC (there were earlier this season), they are in a pretty cold clime with 6 foot snows and some pretty harsh conditions. What was kinda neat is during the show, Joe found some Rose Tips and took them back to camp to eat :) I think this episode, and Part II next week, will really show some conditions that mimic what TLD has to offer: ice fishing, foraging and the effect of the weather jump right out at you. However, some of the ideas not offered (yet?) in the game would be great additions: wigwams, snow caves, signaling, more fire starting techniques and snow shoeing... just to name a few.

I think the environment they show could really offer us some unique challenges to make the game more realistic. Joe makes a statement where he was smoked and hurting after having to clamor through 6 foot snow and not risk getting trapped. The narrator mention tree wells, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_well, basically killing a person by trapping them in their own personal avalanche... something I knew nothing about. They go onto mentions an average human male can consume between 500 to 1000 cal per hour just walking in these conditions.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The continuation of that episode involved trapping, shelter building and more movement to where they heard a helicopter days before. The biggest obstacle was a partially frozen over wetland created by beaver dams. So they had to pole ahead when they walk, making sure no to go through thin ice and risk exposure to hypothermia. They also had to contend with the a mountain lion (actually stealing one of Joes snare kills) and the consequences of knowing one was about. Also some form of fox cross through their camp site in the middle of the night and they were chuckling about who did not see it on "watch"during the night.

All and all, a really good series and these two episodes really hit the nail on the head... much like TLD is doing.

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