Unusual wolf appeareance (and demise)


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The game tried to trick me, but it seems backfired. Here I am , dashing from Coastal Highway to Forsaken Airfield. Went from Forlong Muskeg to Broken Railroad. Scanned the area for any furry toothy friend. Nothing. So I start walking from the entry area. I dont know if you recall it. It is narrow corridor with rails in it. Sudennly I hear whoaf whoaf. It is the sound of dying wolf. I was curious, so I turned back. I found fresh body of wolf.  It was laying right under some ledge (which was not accessible for me). It just seemed like the wolf fell from the ledge.

So the game tried to place sneaky wolf behind me to area where I was sure nothing can be. But instead of wolf biting my flesh I got 4kg of fresh wolf meat.

I do remember  from before, that I saw wolf fallen from hight in front of me and died. But it was few years ago. It seems like there are some flying wolfes on the Great Bear again. Not very skilled though. They need to practise landing.

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