So what are your theories on the story


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Based on the interaction between Will and Astrid. Will asked "Still trying to save the world?" and Astrid answers "Someone has to" which Will becomes defensive and asks "What's that supposed to mean?" During the interaction Will said "Astrid you can't bring him back." Likely their child was gone. And judging by the broken picture of them and specifically on the child that was between them it's possible Will did something or failed to do something that may have caused them to lost their child or something worst. This could have caused the falling out between them. 

EDIT: Okay lot of things I'm figuring just from Will and Astrid's interaction. Astrid mentioned something getting worst and that's why she was in a hurry, Will believed she wasn't talking about the weather when she said that. This could be a couple of things.

-Astrid is sick and can't live long

-She's talking about the geomagnetism 

-More people will die. 

I feel the answers about the geomagnetism and what's going on with the aurora and crazy weather are found in Astrid and the suitcase. Methuselah seems to know a bit about it as well. 

Edited by desertedone
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  • 6 months later...

Assuming the aurora and its effects were not specifically caused by events on Great Bear Island.  

The Forest Talkers environmentalists/terrorists had a plan to infect Breyerhauser and Carter Hydro employees with an infectious disease to force abandonment of the ongoing corporate projects.  As often happens when dealing with bugs, things did not go according to plan and the disease proved to be more infectious than expected or intended.  

Astrid, through her work at the medical laboratory, which researched rare and orphan diseases, knew of various obscure diseases that were being evaluated and researched.  She supplied what was supposed to be a limited infection disease for the Forest Talker's plan.  As it happened the laboratory had an expensive drug that could fight the disease onhand but kept under lock and key because it was expensive and hard to obtain (maybe even not FDA or the Canadian equivalent approved).  

Alerted to the impending disaster and maybe wishing to erase the traces of the disease for investigators to find*, Astrid stole the drug and then went to see Will as the only person she knew who could 1) get her to Great Bear Island and 2) likely be willing to take her there no questions asked.  

After the crash, she was unable to reach her case and had to go seek help from the one group she knew would be willing to help her - the Forest Talkers.  Then she ran into Mathis and after some issues was able to escape.

Her adventure in Pleasant Valley brought home how serious things had gotten though she did not tell the Priest or Molly that the illness spreading around was something she or more precisely her comrades in the Forest Talkers had started.  

Her unknown adventures in Coastal Highway resulted in her being sent in a [Forest Talker] robotic boat to a harbor in Perseverance Mills.  Where it was discovered that she did not have the vitally needed case.  

Will was aware of the importance of that case that Astrid had, after all she does not do trivial things in his experience.  Suspecting it was something medical, he figured that he better make sure that the case got to Astrid. He'll find out later what it was all about. 

* She would provide a culture of a similar infectious agent that would be more likely to be common to serve as a decoy if health investigators came looking.  

The aurora and its effects slowed up any response to the epidemic and Mathis and company were just in the right place at the wrong time.  

🚧 🛩️ 💉


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8 hours ago, UTC-10 said:

Assuming the aurora and its effects were not specifically caused by events on Great Bear Island.  

The Forest Talkers environmentalists/terrorists had a plan to infect Breyerhauser and Carter Hydro employees with an infectious disease to force abandonment of the ongoing corporate projects.  As often happens when dealing with bugs, things did not go according to plan and the disease proved to be more infectious than expected or intended.  

Astrid, through her work at the medical laboratory, which researched rare and orphan diseases, knew of various obscure diseases that were being evaluated and researched.  She supplied what was supposed to be a limited infection disease for the Forest Talker's plan.  As it happened the laboratory had an expensive drug that could fight the disease onhand but kept under lock and key because it was expensive and hard to obtain (maybe even not FDA or the Canadian equivalent approved).  

Alerted to the impending disaster and maybe wishing to erase the traces of the disease for investigators to find*, Astrid stole the drug and then went to see Will as the only person she knew who could 1) get her to Great Bear Island and 2) likely be willing to take her there no questions asked.  

After the crash, she was unable to reach her case and had to go seek help from the one group she knew would be willing to help her - the Forest Talkers.  Then she ran into Mathis and after some issues was able to escape.

Her adventure in Pleasant Valley brought home how serious things had gotten though she did not tell the Priest or Molly that the illness spreading around was something she or more precisely her comrades in the Forest Talkers had started.  

Her unknown adventures in Coastal Highway resulted in her being sent in a [Forest Talker] robotic boat to a harbor in Perseverance Mills.  Where it was discovered that she did not have the vitally needed case.  

Will was aware of the importance of that case that Astrid had, after all she does not do trivial things in his experience.  Suspecting it was something medical, he figured that he better make sure that the case got to Astrid. He'll find out later what it was all about. 

* She would provide a culture of a similar infectious agent that would be more likely to be common to serve as a decoy if health investigators came looking.  

The aurora and its effects slowed up any response to the epidemic and Mathis and company were just in the right place at the wrong time.  

🚧 🛩️ 💉


Honestly, that is a spot-on guess. I imagine it will unfurl in a manner at least slightly similar to what you've said. I believe you're correct about the Forest Talkers because of this:

So far, the Forest Talkers have served no purpose to advance the plot. We can collect notes about them, even learn about their plans, but they have no substance beyond that. "It could just be a worldbuilding detail that adds to the mythos of Great Bear!" you cry. Not so! If we're looking at random lore bits Hinterland has mentioned, let's examine The Collapse. 

Many times, in both Wintermute and Survival mode, a economic event called The Collapse is referenced. The Collapse caused Great Bear's factories, dams and resources to collect metaphorical dust. The stubborn and elderly stayed behind while many islanders left to find better fortunes. The Collapse serves to explain both the derelict ruins we see AND the isolation and emptiness of our favorite island. Though the casual player may not give it a second thought, The Collapse is extremely important to the setting.

"Does this have a point?" you ask, desperately scrolling down. Yes, it does. 

Hinterland isn't the type to throw out disjointed tidbits. As @ajb1978 mentioned in different post, they aren't particularly generous with their lore. All this to say, I believe the Forest Talkers sidequests in the 1st and 2nd episodes were buildup for the Forest Talkers to take center stage in the final episode--or at least play a pivotal role. Because of the scarcity of explicitly stated lore, I don't believe Hinterland will let the Forest Talkers go to waste.

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  • 1 year later...

I have been seeing some interesting takes on the events in Wintermute and in Tales.  For game play purposes, I just need to find Rudiger's last base of operations and Last Horizon would be done.  

What has been unearthed in Tales has seriously called into question about all of my speculations from 2023.  I haven't played any of Wintermute and didn't pay all that much attention to the events, i.e. the cut scenes, involving Astrid and/or Will during the course of Wintermute up to the end of Episode 4 but I can now see the possibility, that I had not considered, that the events on Great Bear Island cover a much greater span of time or at least a couple different spans of time.  They are not unrelated though I have been confused over when everything was happening.  

Although I think that Hinterland could have added more loose ends to provide the possibility to tie certain decision events in the game to one another, I would confess that the underlying story (that I do not fully understand, yet) was far more involved than I had suspected.  

If the speculation I have seen is correct, Tales set the table and Wintermute is the meal to be consumed. 

Now if only Perseverance Mills makes it into the survival world.  :(:coffee:

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