Books and Cabin Fever


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Make it to where the the random non-skill books we find are able to be read to either mitigate cabin fever while reading or reduce the time added to the hours spent indoors count by 50%. Each book would only have X amount of hours of reading time and either cannot be read again or can only be read after x amount of days have passed.

With the mentioned improved base system can you also add in functional book shelves. Make it to where it can have items stored in it like a container but limited to only books. The book stored in the shelf would be neatly lined up on the shelves.

Edited by Drakias
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To expand on this idea the "Book Smarts" badge could have a secondary effect to it to help with normal books too. After unlocking the badge through research only it could maybe increase the amount of time a book can be read by 1-2 hours or another effect. Without the badge reading a non-skill book could mitigate 50% cabin fever but with the badge on you can mitigate 75% or 100%. Currently the Book Smarts badge probably goes underused if at all so this would breath new life into it.

Edited by Drakias
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1 hour ago, Drakias said:

With the mentioned improved base system can you also add in functional book shelves. Make it to where it can have items stored in it like a container but limited to only books. The book stored in the shelf would be neatly lined up on the shelves.

This isn't a book issue. It should apply to all items. Just improved placement in general. There is (was) a mod that does this (Placing Anywhere). But the controls can be a bit complicated, so I understand that it doesn't always translate well to vanilla.

A simple thing with books would be to finally fix the Z-fighting. It's really hard to understand why you can stack books on top of each other. Instead they are rendered in the same plane. This would be easy to fix and doesn't require implementing item rotation on all axes.

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27 minutes ago, Serenity said:

This isn't a book issue. It should apply to all items. Just improved placement in general. There is (was) a mod that does this (Placing Anywhere). But the controls can be a bit complicated, so I understand that it doesn't always translate well to vanilla.

A simple thing with books would be to finally fix the Z-fighting. It's really hard to understand why you can stack books on top of each other. Instead they are rendered in the same plane. This would be easy to fix and doesn't require implementing item rotation on all axes.

Agreed, It would be nice to be able to rest rifles/bedrolls against a wall or have the rifle snap mount to the rifle racks that you can find them on to begin with.

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