Better stats and record keeping


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Of course this idea will never get an traction with the developers, but...

I'd like to see an update to the stats and record keeping, for example besides just getting experience points in various activities, I'd like to know how many times for example I've repaired a particular item.  I've been scrapping all the metal fixtures in the upper portion of the dam and whenever the hacksaw has degraded to 25% condition, I've repaired it back to 100% before continuing.  Since it's the only hacksaw in my possession, I've been careful to keep it well maintained.  So I'd like to know how many times it has been repaired.  I've lost count at this point since it's taken me over a fortnight of playing irl and I still got quite a way to go.

How about letting me know how many days I've worn a particular piece of clothing or home many times I've repaired that piece of clothing.  Sure my sewing/mending keeps going up, but I'd really like to know how many days in a row I've worn that pair of jeans...  they practically stand up on their own when I do take them off, lol.

anyways, I'm a stats fan so I just wanna know.  Who's with me on this?  


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Thanks for the suggestion. We don't have any current plans to implement this, so the only way to keep track is to manually track item use/repair yourself. However, we appreciate the feedback and we'll let you know if we make a change during future updates. We appreciate the support! 

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