Craftable Clothing


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I'm not sure what the current philosophy is on where craftables fit into the game but I feel that there should be some reason or benefit to them.  I look forward to other opinions as it is very possible I'm totally missing the point.

Rabbit Skin Mittens  - too heavy at 2 kilos  (did the rabbits weigh that much? lol). 

COATS: There isn't a good craftable coat option.  The warmth bonuses don't counter the extreme mobility and weight hits.

Deer Skin Pants - They are okay in interloper  - until you find Cargo or Combat pants

Rabbit Skin Hat - perfect, change nothing 

Deer Skin Boots- perfect, change nothing 





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I see what you mean about the rabbit mittens.  That's like carrying a bag of sugar in each hand😁 

I've never worn the deer pants or boots ,but double snow pants or combats do seem to provide more benefits. 

I did wear the wolf coat but the expo coats seem nearly as good for temps but weight is definitely better. 

Maybe the dlcs will include new items.

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A pair of rabbit skin mittens weighs 1 kg .

Animal-hide clothing was not essential to Wintermute so not expanding on that aspect would be understandable.  Still with Wintermute heading towards the fifth and final installment maybe some expansion might be worked on (though probably it would end up as DLC).  New clothing items that could be crafted from animal hides would be nice.  A deerskin jacket and a deerskin shirt to use up some of the accumulating store of cured deer hides would be nice.  

Modern manufactured clothing would be specifically designed to use the advantages of modern fabrics so would perform better for a given weight.  If animal-hide clothing was superior to the manufactured stuff then the natural incentive would be to get the animal-hide stuff asap and disdain the modern stuff once that were crafted. 

I typically use rabbit skin hat, mittens, and deerskin pants and boots, and (now) wolfskin coat because I can mend them from materials I obtain in the wild but that's just me.  In my current game, I got gods how many expedition parkas but still go around in my usual ensemble because I get more rabbit, deer, and wolf hides regularly but cloth can (to my mind) be a bit more scarce. 

So to each their own.  Nobody is wrong in this context.  They just make different decisions depending on the circumstances as they see it.   

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