Frostbite Frequency


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So I thought I had Frostbite all figured out after getting my initial "noob" forstbite on the 30th day of a Stalker run in Ash Canyon. Since then, that run became my main Stalker run, and I'm currently on day 600. 

Trouble is, in the last few weeks, I've gotten THREE MORE Frostbites, two of which were in the same 2-hour session of playing!

I was outside, didn't notice my gloves were frozen solid, and got frostbite.

Now I have 4 Frostbites, and I hope I can serve as a cautionary tail- Frostbite happens really quickly and easily, and no matter how many hundreds of hours you've played (I have 2,000 gameplay hours) you can still fuck yourself over if you aren't careful.


That being said, has anyone else noticed an uptick in Frostbite occurences? Wanna make sure I was just being stupid and it isn't actually a change in game mechanics. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know it's been a while sense you posted, so hope you see this, but during my 201 day Stalker run, I hadn't noticed Frostbite developing faster or occurring more frequently. I've gotten caught in a Blizzard in the middle of Pleasant Valley for a long duration and avoided frostbite.


If you don't mind answering, do you use the hide clothing or the high tier clothing like the gauntlets and expedition parka? If so, then wetness shouldn't be too much of an issue, unless you go long days and nights outdoors without a fire. 

If you use snow shelters a lot, then I've found that they often don't thaw out your clothes, which can lead to quick Frostbite after a night outdoors with frozen clothes.

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