Exploring Blackrock Mountain with the right difficulty


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Hey long time player here. I thought it's time for a first:   explore a new region I've never been to with an interloper character (BRM).

To do this, I'm midway thru investing I expect 20 or so hours into a new interloper character that has AC backpack,  bow w/ 15 arrows, a flare gun, 4 flares, over 50 matches, deerskin boots w/ 2 deerskin pants, rabbit mitts / hat, 1 bearskin coat. I'm thinking don't worry about getting cooking and archery 5 since that'll be however many more hours of work.

So the more I'm hearing about the region, the more positive I am that this guy is gonna die a horrible death. Never have experienced timberwolves on interloper. That's fine! It's this character's destiny! ....however, for re-attempts 20 hours is kind of a lot.

If I switched to stalker, I think it would be too easy for all my experience with the game. Do you know of a good in-between for a region such as BRM? If I need to reattempt, maybe I should do stalker with bow and arrow only. That would still simulate difficulties targeting wolves on interloper. OR:

Maybe I am more of an interloper noob than I realize! Maybe its possible to redo this in 10 hours instead of 20?


What do you think?


Edited by darkscaryforest
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