A thermos should be added to the game

Kerim bey

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3 minutes ago, Kerim bey said:

Merhaba bir ricam edildiniz bir ricam var mı? kahve,bitki çayı,burun çayı ile bizim için 2 litre hacminde bir termos ömrü. biz.çok mutlu olmaya başlamas için termos gerçekten gerekli olan şey zor (iyi bir tane) ve çok soğuk oluyor. sanırım zamanla karakterimizin soğuması, sanırım sıcak kalmak için gerisi beden sevgili hinter hayatı, sağlıkla kalın...

(Çevriyazım, kusura kusura bakmayın).

i'm so sorry, I wrote it wrong, it should have been like this

Hi hinterland, I have a request from you.can you add thermos to survival mode? a thermos with a volume of 2 liters, in which we can add coffee,herbal tea, nose tea and water.for example, it may have the ability to keep the contents warm for 48 hours.The level of heat retention should decrease every time we use it.I would be very happy if the thermos was added to the game, and the thermos is really necessary because it is difficult to find clothes (a good one) and it gets very cold.if there is a thermos, I think that our character will not get cold quickly, because the contents will be hot, so the rest is up to you, dear hinterland team, stay healthy...

(I used the translation, I'm sorry if there is a misunderstanding).

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There might be a problem, perhaps, if a thermos flask graphic was introduced as a consolidated holder for a given type of drink. 

It would mean that there would be no way for serving a hot drink.  Every cup of coffee, fresh brewed and taken off the fire, would go into the "thermos" would instantly become cold.  Same for herbal tea or birch bark tea for which there would be separate "thermos flasks".  Given the mechanics as used for water there would be no way to have a hot cup of anything. Hence having separate cups for those drinks serves a useful and needed purpose.  

Of course, implementation matters, but the more things that an implementation has to take into consideration the less likely something is to be implemented unless the devs have a good reason for doing so (like it fits into/required for a quest).   

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