Goals for Survival mode


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Hi there,

I would appreciate if there would be some adjustable goals for the Survival Mode. Just optional. I'm a player who needs some more goals especially in mid or endgame and if you reach this goals the Survival mode game would end, like the Challenges.

One thing that comes to my mind would be something like an adjustable Whiteout challenge in Survival mode. For example collect or create x amount of item 1, y amount of item 2, etc. and store it in a specific (eligible or predefined) location. Or hunt x wolves/bears/deer etc. Or maybe map x percent of the whole regions. Or maybe a chain of more (adjustable) challenges.

I think these options are not a big deal to implement and would give players like me a bit of Survival mode with the option to end the Survival mode game.

Thanks for reading and bye.



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Survival mode was an adaptation of the survival sandbox which was intended to test survival mechanics.  It was not intended to be an actual gameable mode, hence no intrinsic mode objectives,  but it proved too popular to not incorporate as an alternate play mode.  Maybe once Wintermute is concluded or goes its separate way then survival mode may mutate to have a separate life of its own.  It would certainly be a real possibility though it might be a good long while to come. 

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Achievements really motivates me but my only goal is collecting all stuff in quinset garage and opening the garage. I saw great videos that people organize and place perfectly in Camp Office or Trappers or PV Farmtead and ı wanna do that. Always tried and always died in stupid ways but ı believe one day ı will do that. I looted all BR, FM, MT and ML and now ı am in PV (almost done)
While doing this ı also have a goal that collecting all polaroids, notes and buffer memories. 

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