can we get some extra equipment/clothing slots please?


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My I please have a few extra clothing and equipment slots in order to accomodate my gear?

It would be nice to wear a balaclava, a hat and a scarf.  It just makes sense that you should be able to do all three.  
since a scraf covers the neck, it would make more sense to just have another slot for that type of clothing. 
if possible I'd also want to see the earmuffs moved to the clothing side, especially now with new ballistic vest, equipment slots 
are scarce for carrying gear like the moose satchel, crampons and ear muffs.  Technically speaking, I should be able to wear all those items 
simultaneously since the moose satchel is a carry bag, the crampons go on the feet over the boots and vest is worn either under or over the coat. 

I wouldn't mind taking a weight penalty for putting all that stuff on,
but I think it does make sense that I should be able to.  I think it would add a little realism and make the game just a little more immersive.


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Have to agree on all those points.  I would like a few extra slots and a bit of a reshuffle.

  Even though the moose satchel is crafted I wonder why it needs to be on the inventory in the first place. The other bags aren't. 


Edited by Leeanda
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21 minutes ago, Kranium said:

As someone who lives in rural BC, I'll post my IRL experience here: in the winter, when I'm outside, I tend to wear up to 7 layers of shirts/jackets and 3 or 4 pants & socks. Many (smart) layers will always trump 1 or 2 thick ones.

That reminds me of Ralphy's brother, Randy, in the movie "a christmas story" who's mom layers him so much that he can't move his arms!


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