Things I hope, that will be fixed, when Ep 4 lauches.


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Hello there!

I am really excited to see the upcoming Ep 4 launching (and it launches at my birthday!) I d like to mention a few things, that I hope will be improved before it launches. 


1.) I am waiting for a fix on custom mode for 2 years now. Every year I contact the support, they answer nice and quickly but it doesnt get fixed afterwards: When I select "low loot" but rifle and revolver spawn "yes", then no rifle cleaning kits can be found. I travelled half the game world, I found 2 rifles and 3 revolvers, but not a single cleaning kit. This kept my from playing for almost 2 years now, which I feel is really sad! I guess its just one tick or one line of code somewhere to fix this, but until now it didnt happen.

2.) No Music when Aurora is active. I would be fine, if starting music stops the aurora sound, but getting two "musics" at the same time destroys the athmosphere.

3.) Be able to repair crampons. It can be made extremely hard, but pls make them repairable.

4.) Get an option to fill the radial with the oldest (most decayed) stuff, that I have, because I have to eat this first, so that I dont have to waste anything. right now I never use the radial for eating or drinking, because it offers no good alternatives. 

5.) Always place one raw meat from my backpack in the radial, so that I can select it there for cooking directly from the radial. (a bit like water which is always at the same spot in the radial)

6.) No owl sounds when on the huge ice surface of costal highway. With no trees, there shouldnt be any (invisable) owls. This really confuses me for a long time.

7.) despawn any outdoor feathers during blizzards or even strong winds, respawn them afterwards.

8.) dont show the option to spray when I dont have a spray can. I also cant equip a gun I dont have, for the same reason.


I bought TLD back in 2014 and came back to it since then, because its an awesome game. Keep it up Hinterland!

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