Rope (contains slight wintermute ep 1 spoiler)

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An idea for custom/ interloper+ (for example if the 'as the dead sleep' difficulty ever gets added to sandbox).

Ropes could have degrading condition, mitigated somewhat by player weight when using, time spent climbing and whether they are using crampons.

There could be a couple of different levels, one where ropes last 7/8 uses on average, another harder level where it is more typically 2/3.  This would introduce a new level of strategic planning, especially in later game, as at some point it will probably be necessary to abandon certain regions.  Also choices such as goating fully laden down TWM become more critical. 

Hopefully with the new backpack the 'fetch and carry' aspect of moving ropes to different climb points wouldn't be too jarring.  There's an animation for this in Wintermute potentially ready to go.  Could even add an option to craft/repair ropes at a specific location like the ammo crafting (with the caveat that it is an area accessible only by rope or a difficult journey of some sort)..

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Don't like this idea.  It's a sandbox game and there shouldn't be time limits that would cause entire areas of the map to be closed off.  If added, I would like to see the ability to craft rope at any workbench added.  It could be made difficult by requiring large amounts of gut and a long period of time to craft.

There are no restrictions on custom sliders... so no custom options that are or "interloper+" and I would hate to see this sort of trend where certain "sliders" are not available unless other sliders are set a certain way (which would be pretty much the only way to make sliders related to "interloper+" difficulties as suggested.  Currently, if I want, people can turn off all healing (as in deadman) in a run where all animals are passive (as in PIlgrim) or when Baseline Resources are set to Medium (as in Stalker)... and this is how it should remain.  All custom options available to all custom players to mix and match as they desire.  If decaying ropes are implemented as a custom option, then a custom run with pilgrim parameters with decaying ropes should be possible.

Edited by UpUpAway95
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