Saturday Night Fever at Grey Mother's house.


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Hi Hinterland,

I started chapter 1 of Wintermute last night and by the time I got to Grey Mother's house I was at death's door.  You'd  think I would have been in no condition to dance, but you'd be wrong. I was flopping around her entire living room like a giant fish out of water with Saturday Night Fever.  I'd try and talk to her while the camera was flying by, and but I had to time it just right.  I don't think she was impressed.

I agree there should be some control issues as you become more wounded but maybe tone it down or do something else? Some missed steps? A stumble? A collapse?  Just not floppy fish does "Staying Alive". Please?

I love you guys.

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To be honest I was more sad than amused because I was really looking forward to getting back into one of my favorite games but the absurdity broke the immersion so hard I had to stop playing.  If you really want to see it go see Grey Mother with a tiny sliver of health left.

Edited by scruffyexaminer
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