Suggested long-term changes


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Hello! Not sure if anyone will read this, but over a few days I have come up with a system that I think would be amazing in The Long Dark;

It may sound crazy, but I came up with an idea to add a whole different ‘condition’ (eg hunger, thirst, fatigue, temperature). I call it ‘Mentality’ but I just pulled that out of who knows where...

If we think about the game logically, of course your character would be going crazy being so isolated and alone: we see a tiny glimpse of this with the ‘Cabin Fever’ affliction.

I think that after being secluded for too long would drive you crazy: now, the way to ‘cure’ craziness is through reading books, reading buffer memories, perhaps drinking some herbal tea, looking at posters etc.


now for the repercussions of Mentality; perhaps as the bar filled up your character would get distracted by doing everyday tasks (eg repairing, fishing, cooking etc). As it deteriorated perhaps your player would, dare I say, begin inflicting self-harm.

This would of course not be PG, so perhaps there could be an option at the beginning of a game to enable/disable it...


anyway, this was just a random thought, and I doubt anyone will see it!

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