Episode 3 review (spoilers!)


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Just got done with episode three. Definitely my favorite, by far. At first I was kind of wondering what Molly's whole deal was, like why she would lock you in and then basically lock you out, but it all made sense by the end. I liked that there were different ways of dealing with the timberwolves. Some of the missions took a bit of puzzling out (omg where's the third fuse!) but not enough to make me  take a frustration break. It was nice to see some new content in a SUPER FAMILIAR zone!

And the cutscene at the end with the orcas was insane. What happened to them? And that definitely wasn't a recognizable part of Coastal Highway. Definitely looking forward to seeing what comes next!

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On 10/27/2019 at 3:33 AM, hoppyfrog324 said:


And the cutscene at the end with the orcas was insane. What happened to them? And that definitely wasn't a recognizable part of Coastal Highway. Definitely looking forward to seeing what comes next!

That's what i am asking myself too. I guess if a supernova close to our solar system would hit the earth directly it might have consequences on our biosphere and maybe even the magnetic field of our earth resulting in a situation the orcas might not be able to navigate anymore and therefore tend to strand on coastal shores not being able to get back into the life saving deeper waters again.


On 10/27/2019 at 9:14 PM, Fuarian said:

Pretty sure it's right next to the log sort in CH. Changes will come to that region next.

In the cut scene we can see Astrid is coming out of the mine entrance and she is walking directly to the coast. The entrance is at the coast. It can't be the well known mine entrance at CH. I guess it is some region supposed to be on the left side of CH - somewhere left of the rocks making the highway not passable. A region similar to the transition zone of Crumbling Highway.


Or we will see the mine entrance in CH getting moved to the shore line at some point. Otherwise it would not make much sense. Because right now you need to walk much longer to get to the shore line - that's not represented in the short part of the end sequence.

Edited by diosmio123
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3 hours ago, diosmio123 said:

Or we will see the mine entrance in CH getting moved to the shore line at some point.

The new (additional) mine entrance already appears on the Coastal Highway map..... near Log Sort.

Edited by ProsPex
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3 hours ago, ProsPex said:

The new (additional) mine entrance already appears on the Coastal Highway map..... near Log Sort.

I haven't played sandbox/survival mode since EP 3 came out but i was able to find a new map of CH and i think i am able to see the logs on the right side of the picture - red arrow. The pillars near Log Sort seem to vanish in the future and we will see these changes. Guess we will see similar changes to DP too - i hope so. Cool. Thank you, ProsPex for pointing that out.


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8 hours ago, diosmio123 said:

That's what i am asking myself too. I guess if a supernova close to our solar system would hit the earth directly it might have consequences on our biosphere and maybe even the magnetic field of our earth resulting in a situation the orcas might not be able to navigate anymore and therefore tend to strand on coastal shores not being able to get back into the life saving deeper waters again.


In the cut scene we can see Astrid is coming out of the mine entrance and she is walking directly to the coast. The entrance is at the coast. It can't be the well known mine entrance at CH. I guess it is some region supposed to be on the left side of CH - somewhere left of the rocks making the highway not passable. A region similar to the transition zone of Crumbling Highway.


Or we will see the mine entrance in CH getting moved to the shore line at some point. Otherwise it would not make much sense. Because right now you need to walk much longer to get to the shore line - that's not represented in the short part of the end sequence.

It's right there beside the log sort in CH in survival mode. And it's a solar flare, not a supernova. If it was a supernova Earth would've been completely destroyed. And the sun would be gone too.

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55 minutes ago, Fuarian said:

It's right there beside the log sort in CH in survival mode. ...

I was able to realize it after ProsPex has pointed it out again. You did it too. Even before ProsPex. Yes, thanks again.


55 minutes ago, Fuarian said:

... And it's a solar flare, not a supernova. If it was a supernova Earth would've been completely destroyed. And the sun would be gone too.

I don't know. Was it stated or communicated somewhere that it is suppused to be that? Might be possible i haven't read of it and therefore wasn't aware of it. Despite that: It was just a thought of a possible reason regarding the dead and stranded orcas. Namely not functioning orientation because of the distorted magnetic field.

And please keep in mind i have written "if a supernova close to our solar system". It was a relative statement regarding astronomic distances. Such an event would not necessarily destroy the earth and our sun. The outcome would possibly similar to a very strong coronal mass ejection. However.

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