Update Idea - Dogs and changing seasons? plus more

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Okay so I was playing survival mode the other day, I shot a bear as you do but then lost it. I eventually found it again still alive to popped two bullets in it killing it. I harvested what I could and then went on my merry way back to my camp, only to find my dead bear, turns out I killed two of them. I then realised that I couldn't harvest both of them so spent several hours going back and forth to collect all the meat. Which got me thinking...

What if the game had sled dogs? Which you could either find in the wild and befriend (I know a dog is mentioned at the farm in wintermute) or that you could barter for from other survives? (one bear pelt for one dog?)

You could then get a dog team together that could pull a handcrafted or found sled, this would make collecting large amounts of food easier as well as collecting building materials. 


Another thing that would be really cool would be in survival mode having the seasons change and having different resources available at different times of year. SO in spring you could collect bird eggs and in autumn you would have a boost in deer population as they migrate. 

You could also have it possible to after a set amount of time possibly, be able to own chickens or even ducks. 


Something else I think would be really cool would be having set places on the maps where people could make their own frontier, they would have to go out in the right seasons (spring/summer) and collect the needed materials to build the players very own home. 

The player would be able to decide what shape, how many rooms and also be able to build furniture to go inside the house once it was complete. 

I would actually really love this as an update as I would love to build my own "home" in survival mode which would have everything I needed (workbench/forge ect) so I wouldn't have to constantly run around the maps. 


My next suggestion would be adding in other animals like Ptarmigans, lynx, wolverine. Even changing the animals depending on what season it is. You could do a salmon run in autumn where people could potentially catch lots of fish to survive over winter. 


My last suggestion is putting in drying or smoking racks as I've noticed meat goes bad pretty fast in the game but smoked meat lasts a very long time. You could have it so the player has to smoke the meat for a week or something for it to stay fresh almost indefinitely. 

I also thing adding things like generators would be cool to power electrical equipment. 

Edited by SashaScarah
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all of these ideas a great and cool, i really like them, but they don't follow the games style of isolation and fending off the cold, but these idea might work in a separate mode (or even game) ive seen ideas of people wanting a mode of where its before the collapse and people are still living a thriving, i love the idea, but i feel like it would damage the style of the game.

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