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Just a thought, since the game already keeps track of if there's a fire going inside a house when we leave it: why not have "active" smokestacks showing smoke? Might make it easier to find your base while wandering around, but mostly I just suggest it for aesthetic reasons.

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+1 mainly just so I can take cozy screenshots of my base at dusk with smoke coming out of the chimney.

Also: fireplaces. How are there NO fireplaces in the entire game? Especially in some of the nicer houses on the coastal highway, it seems like they would have a nice fireplace if not a wood stove. My base on Jackrabbit Island looks like the hill has acne from the dozens of burnt out campfires scattered outside the house.

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Also: fireplaces. How are there NO fireplaces in the entire game? Especially in some of the nicer houses on the coastal highway, it seems like they would have a nice fireplace if not a wood stove. My base on Jackrabbit Island looks like the hill has acne from the dozens of burnt out campfires scattered outside the house.

There's plenty of fireplaces! I've stopped in several houses that have them.


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