Scenic views


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I was thinking that the game, although beautiful as it is, could do with some "Vista" points. Regions where you stand and just gaze out at the map in wonder.

To add to this, I think perhaps there should be something that captions the moment you step in that area, such as when entering the coastal map via the Ravine, there should be a colossal icefall, opening up the river, or perhaps when walking across the lake, you hear cracking, look down and see the semi transparent ice with bubbles washing along the underside of the ice, revealing the blackness below. Visual stingers, little things that highlight the beauty of the game.

My second request is that the long distance render be tidied up a little (I'm not meaning to step on any toes or insult people, apologies if I have).

I will admit that this game is still in early alpha, so it being a little trough around the edges is to be expected, but I would like to see the tidying up of long range views. The cartoon/comic book feel of the game adds to it close up, but from a distance, the geometric over-regularity (I'm not sure that is a word, and since English is my first language, I ought to get a slap on the wrist) of the vistas is irritating.

It's what annoyed me on Skyrim, even when graphics were set to Ultra, you still had the obvious, badly rendered textures in the distance (admittedly we are throttled by current graphics technology) but because The Long Dark has a cartoon style already, it covers a lot of problems, which means (no offence to the people who designed it) that deep-distance panoramas could do with some sharpening up, and a little more variety on tree lines (different heights, shades, snow cover etc etc) stuff to make the shots from a mountain top have texture and depth.

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