#462 Leather disappeared while crafting boots (v.183)


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I had exactly 10 leather and 4 gut in my inventory when I started crafting deerskin boots. I did 1.5 hours the first day, then slept through the night. The next day I did 6 hours, drank some water and did another 6.5 hours. With 11 hours remaining, I have 2 gut but no leather in my inventory and the crafting interface lets me know I still need 5 leather and 2 gut. Apparently 5 leather have gone up in smoke. I was using 9 leather from v.170, so it could have something to do with that.

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That's odd..I had the same issue when I was making the boots, same v.170 run and everything. This happened a few days ago though, so I really don't remember details..Never reported it because it honestly hadn't crossed my mind to do so :oops:

...maybe that and our bunker issue are signs that we need to just start fresh with a brand new run :lol:

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