Onlineultiplayer interaction


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I realise this is not a massive multiplayer game, but maybe there would be the option that occasionally you bump into another survivor.

Also maybe a bit taboo, but there plenty of frozen corpses around, should be able to harvest their clothes and maybes meat! After all the question seems to be, what will you do to survive?

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While I really have no desire to see this become a multiplayer game, I have been wondering why there's no others around - especially that Trapper dude. Perhaps this is cleared up in the Story game, I know I'm only new to all this, but it does have me wondering.

As for the 'harvesting' of corpses, I agree there could be maybe an option to do so...certainly clothing, and why not have the option of meat too? As said, the big question is how far would we go to survive, and while I can see possible cannibalism making the game a hard sell, it's surely a point to consider.

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Multiplayer is a bit of a problem with how the game works as time is accelerated when you do things like foraging wood, cooking, fishing, harvesting a carcass etc. Doing these things in real time would be a bore and you can't accelerate time for everyone cause that would make no sense.

The reason you can't harvest corpses for clothes is balance. There is already a lot of clothing available. Harvesting clothes from corpses would mean finding less clothes in houses...

And as for the cannibalism, that's pretty much to ensure the game will not be banned in many countries. Game ratings go through the roof for stuff like that and many people find it is just a step too far.

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I have no desire for PvP multiplayer, although I would like to see 2 player coop if possible.

That being said, the time compression / player-relative time thing is a big problem. The game's interface and mechanics are very very geared towards single player and they'd have to come up with a really clever way to get around that to accommodate any kind of cooperative multiplayer... and frankly I'd rather they continue focusing on adding and tweaking maps/equipment/wildlife than trying to solve that problem for now.

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